Knowledgeable: film theory requires knowledge to learn and understand.
Risk-Takers: especially in the producing aspect of this course, risks will need to be taken to enhance a media product and keep it original.
Balanced: your ability to produce media products and to answer questions on the theory side of film must be balanced.
Caring: especially when working with a team, you must respect everyone’s creative opinions, even if they differ from your own.
Principled: in many aspects of film, you may come across political messages or meanings. Stick to your principles and know what is right.
Inquirers: to be curious and want to find out more about the theory of film or about film pieces (e.g hidden meanings).
Reflective: being able to comment on a piece of work you have written or produced or offering constructive criticism to benefit others.
Thinkers: must be free-thinking and able to understand meanings of film aimed towards the viewer.
Open-Minded: being flexible to new ideas and ways of producing projects.
Communicators: to feedback to members of a group about the additions to a shared project.