Find examples from film from at least 3 of the Methods of Montage mentioned above. (Illustrate)
The Intellectual Method– This can be seen in “Strike” as the shots of people getting murdered by police are juxtaposed with the shots of a cow getting slaughtered, representing how there is no hope in saving them.
Identify at least one other film which appears to have been influenced by the visual style of Classic Soviet Constructivist Cinema + illustration and reasons for choice.
Man With a Movie Camera 1929 by Dziga Vertov.
Man with a Movie Camera is famous for the range of cinematic techniques such as, fast motion, slow motion, freeze frames, match cuts, jump cuts, split screens, extreme close-ups, tracking shots and so on, representing classic Soviet Constructivist Cinema.
To this day, VGIK is one of the most impressive and prestigious film schools in the world. The school creates programs of secondary professional education.
he institute was founded in 1919 by the film director Vladimir Gardin as the Moscow Film School being the first and oldest film school in the world.
Describe some of the stylistic conventions associated with the expressionist art movement. + examples of Constructivist art.
Constructivist art mainly focused on industrial production and realistic concepts. Constructivists art uses architectural designs, geometric forms and modest materials as science and building were prioritized over artistic expression. Constructivist art existed of forms that they could draw with practical instruments like compasses and rulers.
El Lissitzky, Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge, 1920.
Vladimir Tatlin, Tatlin’s Tower, 1919.
El Lissitzky, Study for “Proun” 8 Stellungen, 1923.
The rise of the Soviet Union- Explain how the political, social and economic upheaval created by the aftermath of both the Russian Revolution and WW1 affected the production and content of classic Soviet Constructivist Cinema?
At the time, film and cinema was used as propaganda in order to promote socialist views within the working class with most films portraying the struggles of the working class.
In 1917after the revolution, film makers found new ways to make people respond to a film or shot differently by assembling the shots together depending on what images came before and after such as the Kuleshov Effect.
After the revolution, film was used as a weapon in order to show class struggle and oppression of lower classes under a comunist regime. Film was then cut of by the Stalinist regime as higher classes were scared that film might cause a rise and awakening among the working class.