Blog Task 2 – The Soviet Fine Art Movement

Describe some of the stylistic conventions associated with the expressionist art movement. Post some additional examples if constructivist art.

These pieces of art use extreme angles, flattened forms, garish colours, and distorted views. This art style flourished between 1905 and 1920, especially in Germany and Austria.

Képarchitektúra, Lajos Kassak, 1922
Figuras a Cinco Colores, Joaquin Torres Garcia, 1946
Invenção baiana no. 1, Samson Flexer, 1952

Blog Task 1 – The Rise of the Soviet Union (1917-1953)

Explain how the political, social and economic upheaval created by the aftermath of both the Russian Revolution and WW1 affected the production and content of classic Soviet Constructivist Cinema.

WW1 and The Russian Revolution had significant impacts on classic Soviet constructionist cinema.

Cinema was a tool for propaganda designed to inspire the working class and promote socialist views. The films often depicted the struggles of being in the working class and the countries developments in technology. Almost every film illustrated how a collective society is better than an individualist one.

The Rise of the Soviet Union

due to the Russian revolution and the aftermath of WW1 there was significantly less resources in the country, this was also felt within the film industry due to the lack of physical film so directors weren’t able to make new original films and so relied upon importing film o using premade films to create new different sequences.