Portfolio Role 3: Cinematographer

A cinematographer’s role within production of a film is to create the baseline of a film’s atmosphere using the movement of their camera, ensuring that the lighting is perfect in each shot, either for elevating the tone of a scene or just displaying the shot in good lighting – typically to better portray character/prop movement. They also work closely with the rest of the team – editors, directors – to make sure that they understand the reasoning behind each and every element of the cinematographers camerawork within a shot or scene, to product a more effective final film. They’re also in charge of using and finding the right equipment for their shots, such as tripods, dollies, different lenses, drones, etc.

I am inspired by Roger Deakins’ cinematography, in particular his continuous long-takes in such films as 1917, used to display the intensity of a war-torn country in a way that’s considered ‘honest’ for a staged film. His work in Blade Runner 2049 is also inspiring, his cinematography capturing vast computer-generated landscapes.

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