Citizen Kane written task 2

My favourite scene from Citizen Kane is when Kane and his first wife are confronted with Kane’s mistress in her house after Kane’s speech about integrity in his office as he’s running for governor. This is because of the lighting and blocking throughout.


This is my favourite scene as the blocking in the scene shows perfectly how Kane has lost all power in the situation and how he is only a small part of this problem. Another example of this is the lighting within the scene, this is because it contrasts between Kane and the other characters. It cloaks him in darkness as it represents the sins and darkness of his actions whereas his first wife and Getty both are lit up to represent how they’re not involved in Kane’s dark actions and how they’re the good people in the moment.  

This scene is another example of excellent blocking as it has little Kane in the background of the scene which makes him seem powerless and small within the situation which we know to be true as he is being put up for adoption in this scene and the bank takes him to look after him.  

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