Film Roles: Portfolio

Role 1

Cinematographer: I love working with cameras and enjoy using techniques to improve the genre.

Job Description: While working on cinematography the main jobs that I will be focusing on consists of framing, angles, lighting and shot types that fit with the genre of the short film I am making.

Inspiration: One movie that heavily inspired me to do cinematography was ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’. The symmetry, depth of field and camera movements were so fascinating and really immersed me into the film. This movie will be referred back to into my final pieces.

Role 2

Editor: Editing is very therapeutic to me and I would like to study different techniques to improve my editing.

Job Description: While working on editing I will focus on the pacing, colourisation, shot timelines and sound. This will change depending on the genre. For example, in horror will edit a darker colour grade and will have an increased pace of shots to create tension.

Inspiration: One film that uses amazing editing is Baby Driver. The sound integration with the use of dietetic and non-diegetic work very well together. The pacing is also very impressive as they make it very quick without disorientating the viewers. They also use very good text editing during the opening credit scene as they included the text during the shots not just a blank screen.

Role 3

Screen Writer: I am a English Lit student and have a lot of inspiration from movies that I would like to integrate into my own work.

Job Description: As a screenwriter I will be focussing on writing the script, creating the characters and their traits as well as communicating to the director with the vision that I have.

Inspiration: Harry Potter is an inspiration for me as it is incredible how someone was able to come up with such an amazing storyline that completely changed the world that we’re in today.

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