Portfolio: Production Roles

Role 1 Cinematographer: I’d like to do this role as I find it very interesting to craft different meanings in film through the use of cinematography.

Role 2 – Editor: I’d like to do this role as I enjoy using editing to control the pacing and to further the meaning of a film piece.

Role 3 Writer: I would like to do this role of script writing as it would challenge my creativity around making a narrative and scripts.

Film Roles: Portfolio

Role 1

Cinematographer: I love working with cameras and enjoy using techniques to improve the genre.

Job Description: While working on cinematography the main jobs that I will be focusing on consists of framing, angles, lighting and shot types that fit with the genre of the short film I am making.

Inspiration: One movie that heavily inspired me to do cinematography was ‘The Grand Budapest Hotel’. The symmetry, depth of field and camera movements were so fascinating and really immersed me into the film. This movie will be referred back to into my final pieces.

Role 2

Editor: Editing is very therapeutic to me and I would like to study different techniques to improve my editing.

Job Description: While working on editing I will focus on the pacing, colourisation, shot timelines and sound. This will change depending on the genre. For example, in horror will edit a darker colour grade and will have an increased pace of shots to create tension.

Inspiration: One film that uses amazing editing is Baby Driver. The sound integration with the use of dietetic and non-diegetic work very well together. The pacing is also very impressive as they make it very quick without disorientating the viewers. They also use very good text editing during the opening credit scene as they included the text during the shots not just a blank screen.

Role 3

Screen Writer: I am a English Lit student and have a lot of inspiration from movies that I would like to integrate into my own work.

Job Description: As a screenwriter I will be focussing on writing the script, creating the characters and their traits as well as communicating to the director with the vision that I have.

Inspiration: Harry Potter is an inspiration for me as it is incredible how someone was able to come up with such an amazing storyline that completely changed the world that we’re in today.

inquiry task-Film roles-portiofolio

Role 1: Editor– I enjoyed editing the Joker project and would like to learn more about editing while developing my skills.

JOB DESCRIPTION– The role of an editor is to place and assemble all the raw footage from the rushes of a film and combine them in order to make montages, cuts, matches on action etc; the tasks of an editor also include manipulating the plot, sound (as they often work closely with sound editors and musical directors) and they also manipulate the graphics of the film in order to connect and perfect the overall story into a continuous plot, making the story more enjoyable and logical for the audience. Sometimes the editor is chosen before the script writer or cast members- directors might also choose editor that they are more comfortable with or know better. Many editors also visit the director on set, but the majority of the time editors work alone.

INSPIRATION– Some editors that majorly inspired me are Sergei Einstein in Battleship Potemkin as he created intense scenes with his use of quick cuts and huge amounts of chaos and emotion using the Kuleshov effect. Another editor that stood out to me was Sally Menke in the editing of Kill Bill with her use of fast paced editing and mixes of swipe cuts and split screens in order to represent the characters and the specific scenes through her use of editing.

Role 2: CinematographerJOB DESCRIPTION– a cinematographer works with directors and film crews to create important visual effects for film. They are in charge of how lighting is presented, they make decisions on camera angles and usually the aesthetic of that particular scene. a cinematographer is also responsible for creating the overall look and feel of the film’s visuals through composing shots, selecting lenses, deciding and establishing the visual style and aesthetic of the film in order to create a desired effect, but also deciding on the lighting in the scenes and adjust colour/ exposure. They work closely with other members of the crew in order to support the choices of the director’s vision, ultimately combining the work and ideas of a director, editor and photographer to capture images on film. Cinematographers will either use hand held cameras or Steadicam rigs to capture larger scenes, but they can also use a wider rage of different cameras in order to capture different frames, shots etc. therefore they are responsible for the final visual product of a film. Cinematographers are also responsible for filming and using different techniques that include: moving camera shots, close-ups, panoramic shots, crane shots (when filming from above), moving shots or moving back and forth between foreground and background subjects while zooming in or out (“rack focus”).

INSPIRATION– The cinematographers that have heavily inspired me are Andrzej Sekula responsible for the cinematography of American Psycho; with his use of extreme close ups on Patrick in order to explain and give insight into his character while also always maintaining a heavy white light intensity that almost seems blinding through the whole film in order to symbolise how everything shines on the outside, from Bateman’s impeccable and presentable persona, but is the complete opposite on the inside. Another cinematographer that stood out to me was John Alcott and his cinematography in The Shining. His use of different types of shots and camera angles used in order t create tension and an eerie mood through the film was what made the whole film stand out to me.

Role 3: Director– the role of being a director interests me the most so I want to work on it for longer in my third role while also developing my creative skills and portraying my ideas.

JOB DESCRIPTION– The director is in charge of bringing the whole film together based on their own interpretation of the script. This involves mise en scene and how the overall story is portrayed. The roles and responsibilities of a director include  reading and editing scripts, directing film crews and actors, and overseeing the production of the final film while making sure the film matches their creative vision for the final product. Directors start with a script, and work with a screenwriter; they can also change ideas from the script and portray them differently or add ideas to the original script in order to portray the film in the vision they have for it; therefore the ultimate job of a director is to imagine the script in a visual form. They also work with producers and casting directors to choose the actors and with the directors of photography to develop the filming style or genres, including notes about camera shots and script changes.

INSPIRATION– Directors that have inspired me are Mary Harron- American Psycho and her main focus on sexism, misogyny and capitalism and how she chooses to portray that through the narcissistic Patrick Bateman and the world around him, Quentin Tarantino – Once upon a time in Hollywood and the way the director chooses to portray the themes in the film in an ironical way and how he mixes those ideas with comedy; and Ryan Murphy in the direction of American Horror Story and how he often portrays real life issues through the genres of this series.

portfolio chosen roles

  1. Editor- I picked this because I want to develop my editing skills.
  2. Director- I picked this because I am interested in the art of directing and Mise En Scene.
  3. Cinematographer (specialise)- I want to specialise in this because I find it interesting and want to use different angels to express the emotions in a scene

Portfolio chosen roles

1. Cinematographer – I really loved watching The Shining and would like to take inspiration from Kubrick and his use of cinematography and the meaning and moods he creates in his films.

2. Sound – I enjoyed using premiere for the first time exploring sound and really want to develop my skills as i find it very interesting and impactful within film.

3. Director (specialise) – I really enjoy the element of mise-en-scene in films and love looking into the details of it. I also love the blocking of the shots and characters and bringing it all together.

Portfolio chosen roles

  1. Director – I’m interested in exploring this area and seeing how my artistic visions can evolve and be carried out. I found it interesting to explore mise-en-scene and how it impacts a scene.
  2. Editor – I want to improve and develop my skills in this area, I think it’s impressive/interesting seeing how a film can turn out depending on the editing choices. (inspo- editing in The Bear Joanna Naugle)
  3. Cinematography (Specialise)- I enjoyed watching the Shining (taking inspo from Kubrick’s The Shining cinematography by John Alcott and his styles/choices, along with Lance Accord who did the cinematography in Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette and Robert Yeoman as some ideas…) I enjoy/am interested in seeing how images can be captured to create meaning in the narrative through different perspectives etc.

Roles in cinema

Role 3 – Cinematographer. I’d like to do this as I enjoy the process of creating and modifying shots.

Cinematographers operate and direct camera-work in a film, often expanding on a director’s ideas.

An example of a Cinematographer I would like to study and take from is Bruno Delbonnel, who worked on films like Amelie and Darkest Hour. He has a tendency to create moving shots with creative mixes of movement.

Role 2 – Director. I’d like to do this as I believe the role of combining elements of film together will be quite interesting.

A director leads creativity and ‘directs’ the film-making team on creating the film.

An example of a director I would like to study and take from is Wes Anderson, especially his work on Moonrise Kingdom, as it is a very obvious display of creativity and direction.

Role 1 – Sound. I’d like to do this as I enjoy the process of layering sound complex tunes together an immersive experience for the audience.

A sound editor records and chooses which sounds to record, whilst a mixer decides what sounds, where and when they should be used in the production.

An example of a sound Mixer and Editor is the lead of composition of the film ‘Moonlight’ Nicholas Britell. The film uses the music to create powerful scenes and I’d like to see how I can replicate this effect.