Foley sounds

Foley effects are sound effects added to the film during post-production. They include sounds such as footsteps, clothes rustling, crockery clinking, paper folding, doors opening and slamming, punches hitting, and glass breaking.

Foley artists and mixers divide their workload into three categories: walking, props, and cloth. Within these three areas, they record various tracks of sound to cover each of the main characters.

Foley (filmmaking) - Wikipedia

Needle Drop

A needle drop is when a movie uses a song that wasn’t written for the soundtrack.

Movies with a bigger budget may get the rights to bigger pop hits, while smaller indie flicks tend to stick with less recognizable tracks.

The subversive romance of "500 Days of Summer" | The Anchor

The needle drop

 A needle drop is when music that wasn’t recorded for a movie is added into a movie – when a pre-existing song plays in a movie or show, either as diegetic sound or non-diegetic sound.

Example from Baby Driver: Baby (Ansel Elgort) waits in his car as his colleagues swiftly rob a bank, pumping himself up with “Bellbottoms” by The John Spencer Blues Explosion. He lip syncs and grooves with the beat, just moments before gunning the car in reverse.

definition of film

Film editing is both a creative and a technical part of the post-production process of filmmaking. The term is derived from the traditional process of working with film which increasingly involves the use of digital technology.

Sound Activity 6 – Film that uses narration

One film that uses narration in order to move the story line is Fight Club. I believe that the director decided to use narration because it makes the aduience connect on a deeper level with the protagonist as we can hear his thoughts which is something very personal. The audeinces gets a better understanding to how and why he does what he does.

I think that it also used narration because the story was initially a book so by using narration it gives the audience a sense of nastagia of reading the book again.

Lastly his character uses voice-over narration throughout to convey the journey of his involvement with Tyler Durden, leader of the Fight Club.

Fight Club 20th Anniversary Analysis - Fight Club Is a Bad Movie That  Doesn't Hold Up 20 Years Later

activity 7-favourite soundtrack

My favourite Film soundtrack is Sufjan Stevens’s “Mystery of love”. Besides the fact that this soundtrack fits in with the summer aesthetics of the film it would also relate and connect to the main character’s experiences from that summer, Elio. The lyrics also seem to correlate with his feelings and the soundtrack just creates an overall dreamy ambiance to the film.

best movie soundtracks