Review & reflection (joker project)

I enjoyed working on my joker project even though I was not in for most of the filming. I think our ideas for shots were good however there were a few continuity problems since we filmed a few shots on a different day (costume & lighting). Next time I would like to have a clear understanding of how to use Adobe Premiere Pro and prepare by knowing exactly what props and shots I would want to use.

Sound definitions

Sound editor– refers to sound recorded for or created on set (pre-production)

Sound mixer– Controls the volume and tone of sound picked up by microphones in order to obtain the desired effects for recording.

synchronous sound– sound matched with action/ movements being shown.

asynchronous sound– not matched to a visual source.

leitmotif– reoccurring theme tune for characters, locations etc

needle drop– when a pre-existing song is added to a movie or show as a diegetic or non-diegetic sound.

atmos track– non-diegetic tune that sets mood

underscore–  a soft soundtrack theme that accompanies the action in a performance

ambience– diegetic sounds of the shown location or place

diegetic sound– sounds that the characters can hear

non-diegetic sound– sounds that the characters can’t hear

Needle drop

needle drop- when a pre-existing song is played in a movie or show as either a diegetic or non-diegetic sound.


In American Psycho, Patrick Bateman plays ‘Hip to be square by Huey Lewis & The News’ as he is about to murder Paul Allen. The upbeat music contrasts his violent actions.

April 14, 2000: How a trio of films took on 'American Psycho'

activity 2 & 3 diegetic and non diegetic sound in shawn of the dead + definitions

Diegetic- any sound that characters on screen can hear like dialogue in this instance

Non diegetic- any sounds that the audience can hear but the characters on screen can’t eg: creepy music when zombies are getting closer;

Needle drop: this is when a song that already exists is used in a movie; when the movie uses a song that wasn’t written in the soundtrack.

The shepherd tone: sound consisting of sine waves separated by octaves; this creates the auditory illusion of a tone that seems to increase or decrease in pitch but never actually gets higher or lower.

Leitmotif- music that connects and relates with the the situation, character or emotion.

Ambient sound- background sound like birds or rain

Sound perspective: the distance of a sound source given by its pitch, volume, timber etc.

Synchronous sound- sound that is matched with the actions and movement;

Asynchronous sound: use when the director wants to create tension- the viewer can hear the sound but does not hear its source.

Sound bridge- a sound/ soundtrack that is connected and blends in from a scene to another; eg- in The Matrix when the music from the club blends in with Neo’s alarm.

The Matrix Dance Club Scene HD - YouTube

what’s a ‘needle drop’?

 A needle drop is when music that wasn’t recorded for a movie is added into a movie – when a pre-existing song plays in a movie or show, either as diegetic sound or non-diegetic sound.

Example: In American Psycho, Patrick Bateman plays ‘Hip to be square by Huey Lewis & The News’ as he is about to murder Paul Allen, the use of an upbeat song juxtaposes his murderous intentions/actions.

Watch American Psycho | Netflix

Sound Definitions

The Shepherd Tone:  It’s an auditory illusion where two sine waves with different frequencies are played in the same ear simultaneously and creates a pulsing or beating sensation as if they’re coming from within your head.

Diegetic: Sound that the characters can hear eg. Dialogue

Non-diegetic: Sound that the characters can not hear but the audience can eg. Narration and Music Soundtrack

Synchronous: Sound that is matched by action eg. Playing a piano

Asynchronous: Hearing something we cannot see on screen

Needle Drop:  A “needle drop” is slang used in the film industry to describe when a pre-existing song is used in a movie.

Leitmotif: A recurring musical theme that is associated with a character, location or situation.

Score: A film score is original music written specifically to accompany a film

Underscore: An underscore is a soft soundtrack theme that accompanies the action in a performance. It is usually designed so that spectators are only indirectly aware of its presence. It may help to set or indicate the mood of a scene.

Sound Perspective: Sound perspective refers to the apparent distance of a sound source, evidenced by its volume, timbre, and pitch. This type of editing is most common in how the audience hears film characters’ speech.

Ambient Sound: Is background sound eg. Crickets at nigh

Sound editing and Sound mixing

7 Tutorials About Editing Audio in Your Film and Video Projects

Sound editing is the recording and creation of sounds for a film piece, to create necessary auditory cues for different features of a scene, such as foley sounds for different props or creatures, real or fictional.

Sound design and and audio mixing in London, UK

Sound mixing is the process of blending each piece of audio media together into one piece that suits the tone of the scene, and amplifies it. It involves lowering and raising the volume of each sound, and making use of both diegetic and non-diegetic sounds to further immerse an audience.