Match cut

Match on action- Cutting/transitioning between two events that are similar in action or movement.

The Graduate (Nichols)
Match on Action- Benjamin pulls himself up onto an inflatable raft in a swimming pool but when we cut, he lands somewhere else. Clearly highlighting Benjamin’s detached state of mind.

Graphic Match-  Links two different scenes together through the use of aesthetically similar elements like shapes, colours, patterns or overall movements.

From Bone to Spaceship: Our Dignified Attitude toward the Apocalypse |  Magazine | eazel
2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick)
Graphic Match- Bone into satellite; jump through time.

Eyeline Match- When the point of view of one or more characters is cut and matched with what they are looking at.

Whiplash (Chazelle)
Eyeline Match- Andrew’s dads POV

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