Match Cutting

Match on Action:

Definition – Cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot’s action. A common example is walking through a door or punching someone.

Example –

Friends: Chandler and Monica walking through the door. Cuts from the outside of the apartment to the inside through the use of a Match on Action

Graphic Match:

Definition – A cut from one shot to another where the composition of the two shots are matched by a similar action or subject.

Example –

2001: A Space Odyssey: A bone is thrown up in the air and as it falls a graphic match is used cutting to a similar shaped spaceship.

Eyeline Match:

Definition – Informs the viewer to what the character sees. Cuts from the actors eyes to what they are seeing.

Example –

Baby Driver: Baby and his group are in the middle of a bank robbery. He stays in the car looking at his surroundings. As his eyes are shown it cuts to what he is looking at to give context to the viewers.

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