activity 1 – Connecting the IB Learner Profile to Film Studies

Knowledgeable – Having knowledge of films and directors and their techniques aids towards studying those films in more depth and gaining more understanding. 

Risk Takers – In creating films during the course it will be important to try new things that may not be easy or comfortable but will give the best and most amazing results.  

Caring – As the course offers teamwork it is necessary to consider others opinions and ideas caringly.  

Reflective – By being reflective and being able to give yourself constructive criticism on previous work you will excel further.  

Principled – Having strict principles when it comes to committing to your work will pay off. 

Communicators – Having good communicating skills will be needed as working groups may become difficult in the film course. 

Inquirers – Staying curious and questioning techniques in film helps expand your knowledge in this course. 

Balanced – Balancing the work load of essays and practicle work  

Open minded – Being open minded to people in your groups ideas or any new and interesting uses of cinematography  

Thinkers – Delving deeper into the meaning of films and the underlying messages shown. 

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