All posts by Phoebe Baudains



text analysis intro

I have chosen Kátia Lund’s and Fernando Meirelles’ 2002 coming of age film, City of God for my textual analysis. The film is set in the 70’s in the slums of Rio where two kids’ paths diverge, as one struggles to become a photographer and the other is a gang kingpin. I have chosen the section of the film between 00:00:51 – 00:04:20 which is during the films introductory sequence. In this scene the film introduces Rocket and Li’l Ze (Li’l Dice) who are the main two characters of the film, in a standoff with the police, Rocket placed in the middle. To analyse this section, I will focus on cinematography and editing and its representations and ideologies. I will also focus on how the film links to social and historical context.

Wordcount: 129

Collaboartive project meeting 2

  • Working Title: Ryder 
  • Role (s) Undertaken:  
  • Date/Secretary: 08/07/2022 / Kirsty  
  • Phase: Pre-production 
  • Meeting Number:
  • Present/Apologies: Phoebe (Editor), Kirsty (Sound?) Bryna (Cinematographer) 
  • Agenda: 

 1) Logline 

2) Assigned Roles 

3) Finalised Script 

4) Update Bryna 

  • Outcomes: 1) Roles assigned, updated Bryna 
  • SMART Targets for next meeting date:  

1) Logline  

2) Finalise script 

3) Get actors  

Collaborative project meeting

  • Working Title: Ryder 
  • Role (s) Undertaken:  
  • Date/Secretary: 30/06/2022 / Phoebe  
  • Phase: Pre-production 
  • Meeting Number:
  • Present/Apologies: Phoebe ((?), Kirsty (?) /Bryna (?) 
  • Agenda: 

1) Final Concept 

2) Script Development Checking  

3) Location 

  • Outcomes: 1) Location: Quiet Road, Car, Graveyard  
  • SMART Targets for next meeting date:  

1) Logline 

2) Assigned Roles 

3) Finalised Script 

4) Update Bryna  


What does a director do?

Film directors work on a movie from conception to delivery, working with individuals in charge of lighting, scenery, writing, and so forth, to make sure all elements come together. They generally don’t do post-production work, but are in charge of overseeing it. In addition to having control over nearly every aspect of the movie, film directors also have a large role in the smaller technical aspects of the film. They read over the script to make sure it makes sense, decide where the actors are going to stand, and how they will move. Directors also help actors to better understand the characters they are playing by explaining the motivation behind a particular action, or painting a clearer picture of the character’s back-story.

collaborative task; screenplay idea

Bryna, Phoebe & Kirsty 

Idea/concept –  

person A sees person B (who they hate) unconscious in the middle of the road while driving. – moral dilemma (save them or ‘leave them’)  

Story outline – 

Person A is driving to their family member’s grave because it is the anniversary of their death. (They were killed during a hit and run many years ago by Person) B. Person A has hated Person B ever since. 

Person A is driving somewhere. They get a call and say that they are going to visit ‘mum’. They park at a graveyard and proceed to sit by a grave (mother’s) and recount the day of the accident. 

When driving home, they come across a body on the road, they almost run over it, becoming frightened. They get out the car and realise the body is an unconscious Person B. At first, they get their phone out to call 999, then they hesitate…. maybe Person B deserves this ironic fate? Person A (after a long inner conflict) decides to carry Person B into the trunk. And as they driver away, screams and bangs can be heard coming from inside the trunk. 

Required scenes/locations 

  1. -Driving scenes (in and out of car) – secluded road or car park 
  1. Person A and B on road scene 
  1. Grave scene – graveyard 

What happens – 

  1. Function of the scene (what is the scene doing) 
  1. Car/phone call –exposition/inciting incident 
  1. Grave – exposition – emotional rising action? 
  1. Road /finding Person B – rising action 
  1. Decision – falling action 
  1. Cliff-hanger (conclusion…) 


a script features character dialogue and stage directions, while a screenplay includes other production or story details that might happen off-camera.

A screenplay strictly constricts to being a script that is used for television and movies. A screenplay consists of information that lays the foundation of the artwork in progress. A screenplay is the finalized and the most detailed structured outline for any artwork that is necessarily graphically visual.