All posts by Olivia Creavy




unit pre production production post productionpages
comparative copy of films, research, draft marked, final script audio recorded, clips, graphic cards/ citations made editing together in Pr, exporting references
portfolio r1 planning, r2 planning, r3 planning r1 shooting, r2 shooting, r3 shooting, graphics constructedr1 editing, r2 editing, r3 editing, exporting r1 pages, r2 pages, r3 pages,
collaborative MR planning, SR planning MR shooting, SR shooting, graphics constructed MR editing, SR editing, exporting 2000 word report
not started

collab project log

working title: an eye for an eye

meeting no.4

phase: pre-production

log line: you can steal our eyes but you cant steal our passion

inciting incident: wakes up blind

rising incident: loses artistic ability, frustration builds, feels lost without art

climax: breakdown scene throws paint around on canvas

falling action: pans out and reveals beautiful art

context: as rishi sunak possibly becomes PM, he plans on phasing out degrees like film which don’t have a set earning potential. This short film is commentary on how you can put restrictions on creativity but eventually art will always prevail. (socio-political)

comparative study checklist

Script written & draft checked? Initial script re written based on one set of teacher feedback? Source List Compiled? (At least 10 things – books &weblinks) Still images sourced (if required e.g. film posters for intro)

V/O recorded? – fridays lesson

Film clips uploaded ready for the edit -during half term

Timeline assembled on premiere (sound & vision) – during half term

Initial video draft checked / Initial video draft amended

Final video uploaded to M drive / Source list uploaded to M drive


In the 2002 film, bildungsroman based crime drama, City of God, Fernando Meirelles (cinematographer: Cesar Charlone, editor: Daniel Rezende) depicts the hardships of life for young people living in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. Based on a true story, the film revolves around two boys who go on to follow different paths in life, one becoming an infamous drug dealer and the other a photographer for a local newspaper. A key scene within the plot is “the story of Lil Ze” (during – which develops the character of Lil Ze while also portraying his deep inner thoughts and feelings about the way he sees the world around him such that he is attempting to become the most renowned drug dealer in the “city of God”. This text will focus on cinematography, editing as well as sound and how they manage to portray Lil Ze’s own personal sense of ideology, while also touching on the potential impact of the social and economic context. 


Stam, R., & Johnson, R. (1979). Beyond Cinema Novo. Jump Cut21, 13-19.

McClennen, S. A. (2011). From the aesthetics of hunger to the cosmetics of hunger in Brazilian cinema: Meirelles’ City of God. symploke19(1), 95-106.

Arias, E. D., & Rodrigues, C. D. (2006). The myth of personal security: Criminal gangs, dispute resolution, and identity in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas. Latin American politics and society48(4), 53-81.

Lund, K., & Meirelles, F. (2002). City of God. Miramax.

meeting no3

present/apologies : olivia/noah,libby

agenda: find out where they are and make draft spreadsheet for shot list shooting schedule and call sheet

galleries to look at: cca, arts centre- go and look at lighting and stuff as well as finding out about filming permission

colab log

working title: eye for an eye

role underatken: me(editor,cinematographer) libby(director/screenwriter?) noah (any other)

date/secretary:08.07.22/ olivia

phase: pre-production

meeting number:4(1 without libby,1-without noah)

present/apologies: olivia(cinematogrpaher), libby(director)/ noah(screenwriter)


1)work out contingency plan

2)write log line

3)discuss locations and casting


1)potentially take on new roles as screenwriters

2)log line “promising artist wakes up blind and turns his back on the art industry and makes it his enemy”

3)host auditions in art galleries to see them in location and see if they fit the role

smart targets for next meeting date:

1)look at different art gallery that we could film at and see if they would let us film there

2)get someone to compose a song

3)think of ferret names for the pet ferret that the artist will have as his guide dog

production log- from noahs blog

Working title: “Blind sided”

Roles: Noah (Screen writing) Liberty (Directing) Olivia(Cinematography)

Date: 30/06/22

Meeting No. 1

Present: Noah and olivia / libby

Agenda: Noah discuss screenplay. Outline tasks for next meeting. These include potential filming locations, story boarding and casting

Outcomes: Adjustments made to the script to line up with already found locations.

SMART Targets:

Noah- Finish third page of first draft.

Olivia: Get 3 more potential locations for filming.

Contact Liberty and see if she can start casting.