UNIT PRE-PRODUCTION PRODUCTION POST-PRODUCTION PAGES Comparative Script Audio clips Graphic cards/citations made Editing in premiere Exporting [03/03/23] Source List Film Roles Portfolio Role 1 Planning Role 2 Planning Role 3 Planning [03/03/23]Role 1 Filming Role 2 Filming Role 3 Filming [10/03/23]Editing Role 1 Editing Role 2 Editing Role 3 [12/03/23]Role 1 Pages Role 2 Pages Role 3 Pages [15/03/23]Collaborative Main Role Planning Subsidiary Roles Planning Main Role Shooting Subsidiary Role Shooting Graphics Constructed [09/03/23]Main Role Editing Subsidiary Role Editing Exporting [17/03/23] 2000 Word Report [09/03/23]
Started : Yellow
Not Started: Red
Finished: Green
Working Title – ‘Good Mourning’
Role(s) Undertaken- Sound Designer (main role), writer
Date/Secretary- 18/01/23/ Matilde
Phase- Production
Present/Apologies- Matilde (Sound), Molly (Director) / Hannah (Editor)
Meeting 10:
Film the first few scenes
Filmed the start of the film
Decided upon our next filming date
SMART targets-
Finish filming
Give the footage to the editor
Charge the camera
Working Title – ‘Good Mourning’
Role(s) Undertaken- Sound Designer (main role), writer
Date/Secretary- 16/01/23/ Matilde
Phase- Pre-Production
Present/Apologies- Matilde (Sound), Hannah (Editor) /Molly (Director)
Meeting 9:
Confirm filming dates
Mark up script
Give script to actors
Confirmed filming date
Marked up script
Printed script for actors
SMART targets-
Begin Filming
Book a camera
Book a mic
Working Title- ‘Good Mourning’
Role(s) Undertaken- Sound Designer (main role), writer
Date/Secretary- 06/01/23/ Matilde
Phase- Pre-Production
Present/Apologies- Matilde (Sound), Molly (Director), Hannah (Editor)
Meeting 8:
Choose filming date
Confirm Film Genre
Confirmed filming date
Chose film genre
SMART targets-
Begin Filming
Working Title- ‘Good Mourning’
Role(s) Undertaken- Sound Designer (main role), writer
Date/Secretary- 06/01/22/ Matilde
Phase- Pre-Production
Present/Apologies- Matilde (Sound), Molly (Director) / Hannah (Editor)
Meeting 7:
Create filming schedule
Created a filming schedule
SMART targets-
Begin Filming
Working Title- ‘Good Mourning’
Role(s) Undertaken- Sound Designer (main role), writer
Date/Secretary- 06/12/22/ Matilde
Phase- Pre-Production
Present/Apologies- Matilde (Sound), Hannah (Editor), Molly (Director)
Meeting 6:
Finish script Confirm filming schedule
Finished script Created a filming schedule
SMART targets-
Begin Filming
Working Title – ‘Good Mourning’
Role(s) Undertaken- Sound (main role), writer
Date/Secretary- 21/10/22/ Matilde
Phase- Planning
Present/Apologies- Matilde (Sound) / Hannah (Editor), Molly (Director)
Meeting 5
Finish script/add more detail
Half the script completed
SMART targets-
Begin filming Confirm locations Confirm filming dates
Working Title- ‘Good Mourning’
Role(s) Undertaken- Sound Designer (main role), writer
Date/Secretary- 18/11/22/ Matilde
Phase- Planning
Present/Apologies- Matilde (Sound), Hannah (Editor) / Molly (Director)
Meeting 4:
Write new script Plan out filming schedule Confirm locations
Started script Planned for future shoots
SMART targets-
Begin Filming Finish script
[✓ ] Script written & draft checked
[✓ ] Initial script re-written based on one set of teacher feedback
[✓ ] Source list compiled
[✓ ] V/O recorded
[✓ ] Still images sourced
[✓ ] Film clips uploaded
[✓ ] Timeline assembled on premiere
[✓ ] Initial video draft compiled
[✓ ] Initial video draft amended
[✓ ] Final video uploaded to M drive
[✓ ] Source list uploaded to M drive
I have decided to analyse an extract of the classic film-noir, German thriller M [Lang, 1931] in my textual analysis, a film set in the 1920’s about the police in a German city being unable to catch a child-murderer causing other criminals join in the manhunt1 . My chosen extract is 00:49:57:00-00:54:50:00 at the start of th esecond act where the scene cuts back and forth between the murderer, Hans Beckert, prying upon a potential victim through a shop mirror and a detective discreetly searching through Beckert’s home for evidence. In order to analyse this section, I will evaluate the use of mise-en-scene and cinematography and its representations and ideologies, specifically how it links to the social and historical context of the production process.
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