Film | preference (/10) | memorable scene | film element focus |
Blade runner (scott,1982) | 6/10 | pris getting killed | Mise-En-Scene |
All posts by Molly McCaffrey
mise-en-scene definition
Mise-en-scene is the arrangement of set and props and the involvement of costume design. These are all things that bring the scene together and creates the setting for the film/scene.
Mise-en-scene is the narrative storytelling through direction. (google)
intro task
untidy person
tidy person
Activity 3- top 10 films 2018
All films are considered to be mainstream films. Majority of them are fantasy. The formula of making a successful film is having connections or being a franchise that is trusted by the public. For example Marvel. Everyone expects a good marvel film and they know more will come out of that one films. Franchises creates fandoms and so people can connect over a film. Also having well known film actors involved is a big part. Titanic had Leonardo De Caprio which drew attention to box offices and therefore box offices publicised it everywhere. If a film is publicised everywhere and trailers played around for ADS or Posters being posted more people will get an insight into what the film is about and will be more intrigued into going to watch it. Communication plays a huge part in the formula for a film to become successful as if people enjoy the film they will share it with their friends and so on and the news about this film being good gets spread around and so more people will go to watch the film. Having the film be a well known and popular genre will entice more people to watch the film and help to create a successful film.
ib learner profile in film studies
An IB learner will communicate ideas and thoughts on a film.
IB learners are open-minded when thinking about a film and how the directors created such films.
Film makers are risk-takers as not all films succeed so they take risks to hopefully allow a film to be a hit.
IB film students are reflective on how and why directors chose to go a certain way with their films rather than another.
Film makers are knowledgeable on how to create good films to provide entertainment to widescale audiences.
IB learners will inquire each other on their perspective of films.
Film directors are caring whilst filming as they show consideration to the planet and habitats.
IB learners are principled as they can state the right from wrong within a film.
Film makers ensure to have a balance between good and bad within a film.
What makes a film good?
There’s very many aspects within a film that’ll make a film good. Different people have different aspects of films. Personal preference plays a huge part within the idea of making it good. People would think it depends on how intriguing the film is, but not everyone will be intrigued in the same types of films. Take into account age groups, 7 year olds aren’t going to be interested in watching a horror film but adults won’t be interested in watching children’s films. Also if an adult is more scared of horror movies than others it’ll make the movie better for the person more scared as they can feel the fear that the movie was created to spread, whereas the less fearful adults won’t be as attracted to the film. Not only is personal preference a part of making a film good, the storyline line is also important. If a film doesn’t have a well thought out storyline then there is no point for said film. The storyline is the whole base of the film, you cannot have a film without a story behind why the film is created. All storylines must consist of a beginning, middle and end. The beginning usually gives an insight into characters and shows character relationships. The middle is usually where the problems occur, and the end is where it all comes together. Without that basic layout, the film that has been placed on show wouldn’t be as interesting as many may believe it to be. Actors play a massive part in how good a film can be. If a film has actors that don’t relate to their characters then the film wouldn’t make much sense as there is no connection between the actors and characters. Also certain people watch movies with certain actors, when searching for a film if they see a well known actor they will be more compelled to watch the film. By using a well known actor in the creation of a film it’ll make the film a better success in society. As more films that are considered good roll out into cinemas and at home televisions, the film industry becomes more under pressure to create films that are good. That’s why attention to detail is so critical in making a film good. Even the slightest head movement can make all the difference. Having an actor look directly at the camera creates a connection between the actor and the viewer. Having that connection keeps the viewer engaged in the film. Also animation films, over the years animation has become a high demand for kids as they like the colours and the smooth play out of the film. Animation films are usually funny with sad intervals. Animation has come so far from where it started and each scene and movement must be exact to create the films we see today. Not all films are considered good as not all films are able to live up to the expectations of society in what they want to see. Of course they’ll be fans of some films but others won’t take off as the way the director/author filmed/wrote the film wasn’t appealing to their target audience. Whereas other films lived up to the expectations that society created about films and those films have now introduced sequels to their original films, for example Toy story was a massive hit in the world of film that they continue to create more films as there is a high demand for watching them. Toy story has the basic layout that every film should have which makes the film and its sequels considered to be a good film. To finish, I believe that the idea of making a film good is all down to personal preference, not everyone’s going to enjoy the same films and not everyone’s going to see that film. There are millions of films out there, not everyone is going to see every single film within their lifetime especially as new films are constantly being released. Therefore, its all down to the basically outline and the storyline. if it appeals to a person then it does but we can’t hold people accountable for not liking certain films.