All posts by Ben Elliot



introduction to Textual analysis

I have chosen Alfonso Cauron’s 2006 dystopian science fiction thriller, Children of Men for my textual analysis. The film is set in the near future in which the world is suffering a global infertility crisis, The film centres around the miracle pregnancy of a women and her transport to safety. I have chosen the section of the film between 1:19:52 – 1:24:52 which is during the climax of the film. In this scene, The protagonist Theo, young mother Kee and her baby attempt to navigate their way through the uprising refugee camp. To analyse this section, I am focusing on mise-en-scene (including the use of set design and costume ) ,cinematography, and representation (specifically on immigration).The context examined focusses on the social and political factors connected to the film around the time of its production.

collaborative project log

Working title: still working

Roles undertaken: screenplay writer, director and editor

Date/secretary: 08/072022 Ben (me)

phase: pre-production

meeting number: 2

present/apologies: Misty (screenplay writer), Ben (director), Cameron (editor)

agenda: 1.scrip development 2. set dates for filming 3. write a brief story outline to check back on

outcomes: 1. we will finish the screenplay by the 29 July 2. set dates 3. started writing brief overview of story

Smart targets for next meeting – 15th of July 2022: 1. everyone needs to find an actor by next meeting, 2. basic outline of story is completed in the screenplay, 3. have confirmed dates for filming

Collaborative Project Production Log Template

Working title: still working

Roles undertaken: Misty (screenplay writer), Ben (director) and Cameron (editor)

Date/secretary: 30/06/2022 Misty

phase: pre-production

meeting number: 1

present/apologies: Misty (screenplay writer), Ben (director), Cameron (editor)

agenda: 1. find actor for lead role, 2. script development, 3. find a title

outcomes: 1. all attempt to find someone for the lead role, 2. everyone agreed to help Misty with the screenplay, 3. discuss title

Smart targets for next meeting – 8th of July 2022: 1. everyone needs to find an actor by next meeting, 2. basic outline of story is completed in the screenplay, 3. everyone come up with an idea for title and we pick the best one


what does a film director do- A film director manages the creative aspects of the production. They direct the making of a film by visualizing the script while guiding the actors and technical crew to capture the vision for the screen. They control the film’s dramatic and artistic aspects.

Favourite director- David Fincher

Se7en (1995) - IMDb

1984 screenplay /misty,Cameron

Fade in  

EXT [OUTSIDE Victory Mansions] afternoon  

WINSTON SMITH walking home on a cold, bright day in April. A clock is striking 13:00.  

INT [inside Victory Mansions] continuous  

In a Long hallway which smells musty. At the end of the hallway is a poster too big for the room. There is a large face with a moustache on the poster.  


Winston Smith walking through the hallway  

Focus on the poster’s caption – ‘Big Brother is watching you’