Collaborative Project- Meeting 3

Working Title- Ground

Role(s) Undertaken- Editor (main role), writer

Date/Secretary- 31/10/22/Hannah

Phase- Producing

Present/Apologies- Matilde (Sound), Hannah (Editor), Molly (Director)

Meeting 3-


  1. Go over footage from the summer


  1. Organised footage
  2. Planning for future shoots

SMART targets-

  1. Finish Filming
  2. Begin Post-Production work

collab project log

working title: an eye for an eye

meeting no.4

phase: pre-production

log line: you can steal our eyes but you cant steal our passion

inciting incident: wakes up blind

rising incident: loses artistic ability, frustration builds, feels lost without art

climax: breakdown scene throws paint around on canvas

falling action: pans out and reveals beautiful art

context: as rishi sunak possibly becomes PM, he plans on phasing out degrees like film which don’t have a set earning potential. This short film is commentary on how you can put restrictions on creativity but eventually art will always prevail. (socio-political)

meeting no. 5

Working Title: ???

Role (s) Undertaken: Screenwriter (Jack) Editor (Tom) Sound (Ruby) Director/Cinematographer (Kai)

Date/Secretary: 31/10/2022 (Ruby)

Time: 60 minutes

Phase: Pre-production

Meeting Number: 5

Present/Apologies: present: Editor (Tom) Sound (Ruby) jack (screenwriter) Director/Cinematographer (Kai)




SMART Targets for next meeting date:

revival of hand in the sand?

new ideas

By next meeting 14/07/2022:

collaborative project

Meeting 31/10/2022

Location: St. Ouen’s Village (by the church, fields, sunset concert)

Script: Done, just needs a few changes

Actors: 1 actor confirmed


Ask for more actors/find friends who do drama to take part even as supporting characters.

Send script to people helping (after edits and changes to cut time)