REFLECTION – ‘Spider-Man’ Direction Task

Spider-Man (Sam Raimi, 2002)

What Went Well?

As a group we communicated well throughout the filming session and were quickly able to allocate the roles we would undertake, harnessing our strengths. We were able to efficiently plan out what and where we would shoot, utilising blocking and staging techniques to create effective images and, for the most part, we managed to film these shots. There were no issues with interruptions from outsiders, and the only change we made was to remove the sunlight in the room by adjusting the blinds.

What Went Wrong?

Although we were able to plan our shoot quickly, our time management when it came to filming the shots was lackluster and, due to: multiple takes for the actors to improve their performances; new ideas for interesting shots; and a few mishaps with our camera, we weren’t able to finish the entire screenplay within the time we were given. We also found in post-production that our audio wasn’t as clear as we’d like.

What Will I Do Next Time?

Next time I will make sure that we, as a group, plan out our shoot before our allotted time by rehearsing through the dialogue and drawing up a storyboard, therefore giving us the full time to focus on actually filming. I will also use a microphone to collect satisfactory audio.