Citizen Kane Task 3


It could be said that Citizen Kane plays with original or ‘new’ themes and ideas, which make it a critically regarded masterpiece. However, I would say that the technical aspects (lighting, set, cinematography) are what have allowed this classic to remain timelessly ‘perfect’. 

The film allows insight into the evolution of life in a manner which analyses romantic relationships, friendships and paternal relationships in a unique way; giving perspectives to different characters (irony achieved through the fact that it is Kane’s life story, broken down by several temporary people in his life). In a way, this emphasises the idea that his life and work was meaningless – his true character only lives through the memories of others, and to the rest of the world he remains defined by events rather than his own personality. The theme of fame and the cost of fame is explored through this, and for audiences, this must seem like a layered and cleverly carried out series of events. In fact, some critics may have found it rebellious or socially original with regards to the film industry itself – garnering it new and immediately a classic upon release. 

Despite its unique narrative and context, Citizen Kane possibly owed most of its success over the years to its timeless physical appearance. Use of shallow focus and deep focus, specifically deep focus signified a varied utilisation of camerawork – which some audiences were not fully familiar with, especially not to the extent that these techniques were taken advantage of in the film. Mostly used to separate characters from Kane himself, deep focus allowed Welles to constantly remind the audience of the alienation of the lead. A simple and subtle effect which helped define the archetype the film went on to gain.  

Other techniques, such as extreme low angles to play with power positions, and shadows or half shadows (cast across characters) through omission or addition of backlights etc. extended the control the director had to further push ideas towards the audience. 

Throughout Citizen Kane, many themes can be found which are unique in the industry; but no matter the philosophical intensity of the ideas, they would not have been brought to the audience’s attention without the expert originality of Welles’ use of lighting and cinematography (in particular). 

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