CItizen kane-favourite scene

This scene came across as definitely the most memorable scene and likewise my favourite as it creates a sense of isolation. Wells uses a constant deep focus which keeps all of the hard work and effort put into to running his campaign represented by the posters and banners for governor all wasted by himself. This helps to represent a turning point and a low of Kane’s life. This scene is almost used as a visual metaphor for Kane’s life unravelling. Wells uses a slow pan to introduce Jeremiah to the scene further adding to the isolation as he wants to leave. The low angle shot is typically used to show characters as powerful and mighty but wells uses it to downplay Kane’s ego making him look small and powerless about his future. For the majority of the scene Wells uses a wide angle medium long shot/long shot with Kane coming in and out if the shots. Wells just uses dialogue for this scene which creates the sense of reflection. Furthermore Wells uses one shot thorough the scene moving the camera around the floor to different locations. As well as this we see a long distance between Kane and Jeremiah foreshadowing the friendship that will soon end.