cinema going in jersey

There were four cinemas on Jersey between the years of 1930 and 1960. Those cinemas were New era, Forum, Wests and The Odeon. Majority of these buildings were either knocked down or remade into other shops and things like that. The only last standing Cinema is The Odeon. All of the cinemas had many seats.

Now there are 10 cinema screens in Jersey in Cineworld

There is about 5 independent cinema spaces across the island

There are less screens now due to the use of new technology and being able to watch films at home and so therefore there is less of a demand for cinema screens as majority of people can save the money and watch films at home.

In the 60s the coronation of the queen made locals want televisions to watch her coronation as it was being broadcasted rather than have to wait for it to come out at a later date.

‘Cinema going in jersey’



WHY DO YOU THINK THE NUMBER OF CINEMA SCREENS HAVE DECLINED OVER THE YEARS? WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR THE FIILM INDUSTRY IN GENERAL? A reduction in attendance at the cinema which was arguably caused by a rise in television viewers, lessened business for cinemas and resulted in a need for little screens. Implications for the film industry could be that it is struggling more than it did during the Golden Age, in the sense that streaming and digital viewing is more accessible to the public than cinema.

Cinema Going In Jersey-

During the Golden Age of Cinema (1930s-60s), there were 4 screens on island, each with a lot of seats more similar to a theatre setup. Now there are 10 screens in the only cinema on island, owned by Cineworld, with a variety of film showings and room sizes.

The Odeon, one of Jersey’s original cinemas

There are several independent cinema spaces owned by hotels, The Jersey Art Centre and film festival societies.

The number of cinemas on island have been going down because of the increase of people buying TVs. Many people bought TV’s so they could watch live events, leading to them spending more time at home and less time out and watching films.

Jersey Cinema

During the Golden Age of Cinema, there were 4 commercially available cinema locations, not including places used occasionally for events such as film festivals

However, there is now only one location, Cineworld, and even though there are more than double the screens than before, you don’t have any choice in location

Cinema going in jersey

How many cinema screens were there on Jersey during the “Golden Age” of cinema? (1930s-60) New Era, The Odeon, Wests, Royal hall and Cineworld

How many cinema screens are there now? 10

What independent cinema spaces currently exists on Jersey? The Art centre, hotels

Explain why the number of cinema screens have declined over the years and what you think the implications are for the film industry in general? The number of cinema screens declined because of the population of televisions, people were wanting to buy to watch movies at home. The popularity of televisions drastically increased with the coronation of the Queen.


During the golden age of cinema (1930’s-1960’s), there were 4 cinema screens in Jersey.

There are currently 10 cinema screens in Jersey.

some independent cinema spaces in jersey include: The Art Centre, Hotels and cinema screens in parks

The number of cinema screens have declined over the years because of the introduction of televisions in the 1950’s. Entertainment was more easily accessible and people did not have to wait for the cinema to release things.


Cinema going to jersey

In the golden age of cinema (1930-60’s) There were 4 cinema screens in Jersey.

There are currently 10 screen in jersey at Cineworld

There are currently only a few independent screens in Jersey such as the arts centre outdoors in Howard Davis and in a few hotels such as the Grand.

The number of cinemas declined as in the 50s when the queen was getting coronated everyone wanted to see it therefor leading to the sales of tv to skyrocket and people no longer wanting to go to the cinema as they could just watch Tv at home.