
  • I will engage with different films and genres, looking for inspiration to guide my own work.
  • I will research a variety of film roles and find out what skills and practices are required for them.
  • I will examine my own personal interests and inspirations to identify filmmaker intentions.

skill and inquiry in film roles

I will look at other well known directors works as well as Tim Burton to then create an image and understanding of what I want to-do. I will use my own ideas and things I enjoy doing to then base my short films off of as I will have enjoyment filming and therefore become more engaged in what I am creating, which can help me create a better product.

I will use some friends and family to act within my films as they will have a clear understanding of what I envision and can help me achieve said vision. For the cinematographer role I can show the understanding of the shots by using shots which are usually used in the first few minutes of a film, for example an establishing shot.

I can reflect on past experiences to the create a resemblance to that and recreate the experience for the enjoyment of others.

I intend to create comedy type films and ones which create sympathy towards the characters, as they keep the audience most engaged.


Students engage with various film texts in order to gain inspiration to help them with their own work.

Research a variety of film roles to gain a greater knowledge and know what skills are required for their 3 roles

Examine their own interests in order to identify filmmakers intentions

Ib inquiry

I will complete research on a range of film texts Finding information and inspiration in order to create my own work. I will find out what each role does and how it is influential in the process of making films. I will find the essential skills needed in each of these 3 areas Directing, cinematography and composing and examine specific works to find inspiration and influence for my own work.

how i will demonstrate skill undertaking: Inquiry

I will complete research on each of the job roles I am undertaking: editing, cinematography and screenplay writing by understanding what these roles include and how they are done. I will also engage with a variety of specific films on how they were made from the point of view of the specific film roles I have chosen. I will look at specific practitioners to find inspiration and influence in my own work.

How I will Demonstrate skill in undertaking inquiry

I will demonstrate a skill in inquiry by watching films with the intent of analysing certain aspects of the film and how they might of been made/constructed. For example for sound design I would watch several films with good sound design and try to understand how they might’ve done or decided something and why.

Furthermore, I will secondly research the film roles I have selected further. By doing this I want to further understand the industry around the chosen film roles and the skills required for the film roles.