sound tasks

Needle drop- Needle drop (movie scoring), the use of an existing recording rather than an original score in a film.-Wikipedia

The 'Where Is My Mind' Ending Scene in Fight Club (1999) - YouTube

Examples of sounds made by a Foley artist- Everyday sounds like footsteps, doors opening and closing, wind blowing, glass breaking, and other ambient noise. Those sound effects get added to the edit in post-production to enhance the auditory experience of a film or television

Spotlight on: Foley artists | Industry Trends | IBC

Leitmotif- A leitmotif is a recurring theme in music. The term derives from the German word, meaning “leading motif. “It can also be used to describe a recurring idea, symbol, or phrase that has an important role in the story you’re telling. Leitmotifs are one of many tools authors and filmmakers use to help readers understand their films or novels by creating connections between different parts. The presence of such patterns throughout the work provides additional depth for an audience. A good example is in the film Gladiator (Ridley Scott 2000)

Wheat as Resurrection- Gladiator - Symbolic Language in Epic Films

Voice over/Narrations– A voiceover is the non-diegetic use of a character or omnipresent narrator talking over the visuals of a film or television show. A good example of this is in Fight club (David Fincher 1999)

The First Rule of Making 'Fight Club': Talk About 'Fight Club' - The Ringer