first group shot reflection

i think that next time planning and organisation before hand will be very helpful as our group weren’t as prepared with story boards and so on, I also think planning where we would film before hand so we could book it would be helpful.

i think learning how to use a camera more will be more helpful next time as the camera work was shaky. I think the different types of shots was well however the execution of filming wasn’t as good as I hope it would be.

First Group Shoot Reflection

What went well:

-we worked well as a group

-we managed to get all the footage we needed

-we all took part in the task and communicated effectively

What could be improved:

-organisation of the location

-use more specific shot types (eg track, pan, crab)

-shoot cut-ins

What I would do better next time:

I would plan more effectively in terms of location and shot types. I would also consider disturbances to the shoot like students moving in and out classrooms. I would shoot cut-ins to give the audience a “break” from the main scene.

first group shoot response

what went well.

we worked as a group to get the work done sufficiently and all contributed ideas into what can be done to create the scene. We filmed shots which we aimed to film in our chosen location and we got all the shots we wanted done within our time space.

What went wrong

we could all film and not just one person. We could also be more prepared and not just use trial and error as a way of getting filming done. We could’ve also communicated more. Although, we all contributed ideas we weren’t speaking like a group and weren’t particularly communicating. If one of us had an idea we wouldn’t agree or say anything.

what we could impove on.

We could improve on our communication as a group to get the work done more efficiently. We also could have a set plan to help us film more swiftly and easily without error, also having a clear idea on what we want our final product to look like would make it more easy for us to film as we know what wed want whilst filming and therefore would be able to film it.

1st group shoot

Creating our first shoot was a fun experience overall, we all got along and were able to communicate ideas to one another freely which made the filming itself enjoyable and less awkward than it could’ve been. We were able to decide on rolls quickly and managed to plan out how we wanted the each scene to look and what angle/shot length we were going to use.

However, we did have a few issues with the camera as we were struggling to get it to focus for certain scenes which caused it to make a lot of noise throughout some of the scenes and we had limited lighting as we only had normal ceiling lights which also didn’t help the camera focus. There was a few times where we struggled to get the shot we wanted straight away as we couldn’t get the correct angle but we moved around certain props in order to get the shot right.

Shot types and their uses

Name of Shot (Abbreviation)Description of Shot in Relation to SubjectUse in Storytelling 
Extreme Close-up ( ECU ) Part of the face e.g. eyes takes up the frameGets inside the head of a character
Close up (CU)Whole face takes up the frameReveals character’s emotional state
Medium Close- up (MCU)Head and Shoulders in frameAllows the audience to see the characters face and body, it shows their emotional state and their behavior.  And also the background/setting
Low Angle Shot (LA)/ High Angle Shot (HA)LA – shows them above the audience HA – shows them below the audienceThe status of a character e.g if a character is vulnerable (HA) or if the character is powerful (LA)
Extreme Long Shot (ELS ) Only scenery visible can’t make out individual peopleUsed as an establishing shot
Medium Shot (MS)One or two subjects in frame from waist height sometimes taken from “over the shoulder” of one of the characters (OSS)Often used as a Master Shot/ Two Shot/Shot-Reverse for conversations
Pan/ TiltPan – the camera only moves horizontally (left/right) Tilt – the camera on moves vertical (up/down)Mimics a static character looking round a scene
Track (on a dolly, steadicam or handheld)Camera follows a subject by moving along with themUsed to make the audience feel as like they a following the characters

Cinematography Screenplay

What went well:

-Worked within the given time limit (worked efficiently)

-All scenes that were decided on were shot quickly

-Planning and discussion was efficient and we managed to consider everyone’s ideas.

-There was a varied use of cinematography shots and techniques, i.e. Close ups, low angles, medium shots, etc.

What we could do better:

-Include more of the script dialogue

-Include more shots involving cinematography

-Have more variety in terms of shot techniques

-Taking longer shots in the same location; rather than constantly moving location.

First Shoot Reflection

A lot went well such as the speed of getting the set together and solving problems or the teamwork between us.

A few things that could have gone better would be not being able to use the conference room or the acting which could definitely use some work (especially mine).

I’m also mildly perturbed by the fact that nobody challenged any of my ideas

first group shot reflection

I think my group worked very well together, everyone got a say and all ideas were taken into account.

However; we could have been more organised, as we wanted to use a conference room to shoot but we were told we were not allowed a few minutes prior to filming.

so in the future I think we could be more organised.

First group shot reflection

I think that the shoot went very well. Everyone worked well together and we all contributed.

I think that the only problem we had was not getting the location we wanted as we did not book it in advance.

In the future we need to make sure to book the locations and have more organization before we start the shoot.

1st group shoot

What went well:

I personally think that our group had good communication and could get our ideas across and discuss what would work best effectively. We used Intra-diegetic and extra-diegetic, and had a range of angles and movements.

What could we do better:

I think we could’ve made a plan which was detailed and had all the information we needed to start as soon as possible so we could have more time for shooting. Furthermore, we could’ve had much better time management. I think that having more equipment(such as a tripod, steadicam e.t.c) would’ve improved the quality massively. With a more detailed plan we would’ve been able to shoot more scenes which would make the editing process much easier.