IB Learner Profile In Film Studies

Communicators – Film makers communicate messages through their art.

Risk-takers – Not all films will be well-received, so releasing each film will be a risk.

Open-minded – When working in a group (especially in film), its important to consider each person’s opinions.

Knowledgeable – Film makers must have the knowledge of techniques and the different elements.

Reflective – Film makers should reflect on their own work to see how it can be improved and also seek out the feedback of others.

Thinkers – When starting a new project you need to brainstorm you ideas or when faced with challenges you have to find a solution.

Caring – Film makers should ensure that they don’t cause harm when filming.

Inquirers – You should inquire with others for feedback and inquire with your group for ideas etc.

Balanced – Film makers should make sure they have balanced representation in their films and when working in groups everyone has an equal workload.

Principled – Film makers shouldn’t lower their standards.

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