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Collaberative Production Log

Working title: “Blind sided”

Roles: Noah (Screen writing) Liberty (Directing) Olivia(Cinematography)

Date: 30/06/22

Meeting No. 1

Present: Noah and Olivia/ Liberty

Agenda: Noah discuss screenplay. Outline tasks for next meeting. These include potential filming locations, story boarding and casting

Outcomes: Adjustments made to the script to line up with already found locations.

SMART Targets:

Noah- Finish fourth page of first draft.

Olivia: Get 3 more potential locations for filming.

Contact Liberty and see if she can start casting.

Working title “Eye for an eye”

An aspiring artist wakes up blind. Through a comedy of errors, no one believes the gravity of the situation or the struggle the young artist is going through. Doctors don’t believe him, his drama teacher thinks it’s a brilliant example of method acting, his artwork is demeaned and shamed to the point he goes of the rails and makes the art world his enemy in hopefully witty, dark comedy. 


A bedroom  

-Wake up scene  

A gallery  

(setting can eaily be created in school) 

A arts college  


Role Table

Role 1ARole 1BRole 2ARole 2BRole 3
RoleActorActorDirectorDirectorScreen Writer
Working title“The Deputy” “A day in the Lie”
GenreMocumentary/ Comedy Psychological Horror
Movement InfluencesBritish New Wave/
Practitioner InfluencesLindsay AndersonDarren Aronofsky
Target audience Teen/Young Adult
Key themesCorruption/Power Identity


Production Role 1aProduction Role 1bProduction Role 2aProduction Role 2bProduction Role 3
RolesEditingEditingSound DesignSound DesignScreenwriting
GenreNoirComedyWesternMockumentaryBlack Comedy
Movement InfluencesFrench New WaveNew Hollywood, Spaghetti WesternGerman Expressionism
Practitioner InfluencesEdgar Wright
Target Audience
Production Scale
Key ThemesGood vs. Evil, Mundanity, Darkness, Irony

10 Sources

Rome, Open CityDir. Roberto Rossellini1945Film
La StradaDir. Federico Fellini1954Film
Rome, Open City review – ‘The most precious moment of film history’Mark Kermode, Quote from Martin Scorsese2014
How to read a filmJames Monaco1977Book
Critical theory today, a user-friendly guideLois Tyson2006Book
THE SCREEN; How Italy ResistedBosley Crowther1946
Pina’s Pregnancy, Traumatic Realism, and the After-Life of Open CityMillicent Marcus2008
Italian Neorealism: A Mirror Construction of RealityBen Lawton1979
Movies: Reassessing Rossellini: Restoration of Rome Open City, the director’s masterpiece, prompts a look at why he later retreated from the neorealism it introducedJoseph Luzzi2011

Textual Analysis Intro

I have chosen Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund’s 2002 crime/drama film City of God for my textual analysis. The film is set between the beginning of the 1960’s and the beginning of the 1980’s and features the stories of two young boys, Rocket and Lil’ Dice both growing up in the slums of the city of god where one pursues photography and the other becomes a ruthless gang leader. I have chosen the section of the film between 0:00:50 – 0:05:50 which is during the opening sequence of the film. In this scene, an opening montage plays showing a bustling open market area where a chicken escapes and the gang chases after it only to bump into Rocket where the police then show up, trapping Rocket between the gang and the police. To analyse this section, I am focusing on sound, editing, mise-en-scene and critical reception.


I have chosen to analyse the 2006 fantasy film Pans labyrinth by Guillermo del Toro. This film is set in 1944 during the Spanish civil war and follows Ophelia, a little girl who is secretly a princess in a fantasy world whilst chaos and war happens around her with her fascist stepdad at the centre of it all. I have chosen to analyse the resolution of the film between 1.46.45 and 1.51.45. In this section, Ophelia has just been shot by her stepdad and is slowly dying. The fascist captain is consequentially killed as a result of killing his stepdaughter. Ophelia is ‘reborn’ into a fantasy world and is reunited with her parents whilst the guerrillas mourn her death. To analyse this section, I am going to focus on Mise En scene ,visual motifs, editing and Film makers influences.

Textual analysis introduction

I have chosen Fernando Meirelles’ 2002 crime/drama film, City of God for my textual analysis. The film is set during the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1980s and follows what life is like for residents of a slum in Rio de Janeiro during a bloody gang war focusing on a character called Rocket who is a young aspiring photographer trying to escape the slum. I have chosen the section of the film between 1:53:00 – 1:57:00 which is during the climax of the film. In this scene antagonist Lil Z is captured and robbed by corrupt police and then gunned down by the “runts” of the slum to take over his business. The scene is mainly shot through the perspective of Rocket who is photographing the whole event which ends up landing him an internship at a printing company. To analyse this section, I am focusing on cinematography, editing and critical response.