All posts by Noah



Collaberative Production Log

Working title: “Blind sided”

Roles: Noah (Screen writing) Liberty (Directing) Olivia(Cinematography)

Date: 30/06/22

Meeting No. 1

Present: Noah and Olivia/ Liberty

Agenda: Noah discuss screenplay. Outline tasks for next meeting. These include potential filming locations, story boarding and casting

Outcomes: Adjustments made to the script to line up with already found locations.

SMART Targets:

Noah- Finish fourth page of first draft.

Olivia: Get 3 more potential locations for filming.

Contact Liberty and see if she can start casting.

Working title “Eye for an eye”

An aspiring artist wakes up blind. Through a comedy of errors, no one believes the gravity of the situation or the struggle the young artist is going through. Doctors don’t believe him, his drama teacher thinks it’s a brilliant example of method acting, his artwork is demeaned and shamed to the point he goes of the rails and makes the art world his enemy in hopefully witty, dark comedy. 


A bedroom  

-Wake up scene  

A gallery  

(setting can eaily be created in school) 

A arts college  


Role Table

Role 1ARole 1BRole 2ARole 2BRole 3
RoleActorActorDirectorDirectorScreen Writer
Working title“The Deputy” “A day in the Lie”
GenreMocumentary/ Comedy Psychological Horror
Movement InfluencesBritish New Wave/
Practitioner InfluencesLindsay AndersonDarren Aronofsky
Target audience Teen/Young Adult
Key themesCorruption/Power Identity

SMART target table

UnitPre-productionProductionPost-ProductionBibliography and pages
Comparative study (30%)

First draft script

Final script
Record audio commentary

Download and Gather clips from films using the OBS software (16th June)

Select clips from films (18th June)

Graphic cards and citations (23rd June)
Editing together in adobe premier (10th July)

Exporting files (14th July)
14th July

Comparative study INTRODUCTION

Fritz Lang’s 1927 German film Metropolis and Bong Joon-ho’s 2013 Korean- Czech Snowpiercer are both distinctive science-fiction films. They are incredibly useful films for the showing comparisons between both class-struggle narratives and the dystopian science fiction genre. These films have been chosen as they were made in contrasting eras and cultures so the development of these themes can be clearly seen. It can be argued that Snowpiercer is inspired by Metropolis, as many similar aspects can be seen in the two. Lang’s film portrays a lower-class violent revolution of workers in a utopian city that overworks them to the point of death while director Bong’s film deals with a lower class of environmental refugees fighting to overthrow their oppressive upper class.  

COMPARATIVE study sources

Theatrical posters

Andrew Sebastian Kwan — Snowpiercer Alternative movie poster Visit my...
Silk Poster of Metropolis sci fi movie grand film fritz lang france v2


In 'Snowpiercer,' the Train Trip to End All Train Trips - The New York Times
Pera Museum | Metropolis

From Wikipedia (replace with imdb)

Snowpiercer is a 2013 science fiction action film based on the French graphic novel Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand and Jean-Marc Rochette. The film was directed by Bong Joon-ho and written by Bong and Kelly Masterson. A South Korean-Czech co-production, the film marks Bong’s English-language debut; almost 85% of the film’s dialogue is in English.

The film stars Chris Evans, Song Kang-ho, Tilda Swinton, Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, Go Ah-sung, John Hurt, and Ed Harris. It takes place aboard the Snowpiercer train as it travels a globe-spanning track, carrying the last remnants of humanity after a failed attempt at climate engineering to stop global warming has created a new Snowball Earth. Evans stars as Curtis Everett, one of the lower-class tail-section passengers, as they rebel against the elite of the front of the train. Filming took place at Barrandov Studios in Prague, using train car sets mounted on gimbals to simulate the train’s motion.

Film comparative: Class

Metropolis 1927 | | Art & Vintage | Flickr
Metropolis (1927) dir. Fritz Lang
Showpiecer (2013) Directed by Bong Joon-ho

Research question: How are the themes of class struggle depicted in a dystopian setting within Metropolis (Fritz Lang 1927) and Showpiecer (Bong Joon-ho, 2013)?

Both films include core themes of class struggle, allocation of resources, environmental disaster and distribution of wealth.

Showpiecer is a Korean-American co-production and directed by the auteur, Bong Joon-ho who is an influential director in the Korean new wave cinema movement.

Research and reading:

Marx at the movies book:

Snowpiercer essay: 9781501347290

Marxist perspectives:—wayne–