All posts by Fin Lowes



why has ufa managed to stay in BUSINESS?

After being bought out in the WW2 period by future Hitler supporters and used to make Nazi propaganda. It adapted itself to fit with the modern times and used all of its infrastructure by the communists to produce more propaganda. Then it was used by the Germans to established its identity by therefore they kept the studios and is now where many films and TV shows are filmed and where they work closely with Hollywood.

Citizen kane task’s

My most memorable scene from the film would be one of the ending scenes where we see Kane smashing up his bedroom. This is because we see anger in the film but not to the extent that is portrayed in this scene. It would also have been majorly shocking at the time it came out as the ”normal man” who would be watching the film didn’t have much money, so to see a man destroying his possessions would be alien to them. The use of camera angles is also used extremely well in this scene as it makes use of the low angle portraying Kane as superior and powerful man. This again may have had an affect on the audience as his a rich man who is shown to have and elevated sense of power. After this we see Kane walk out of his bedroom past his staff and walk past a series of mirrors and briefly stop in between two parallel mirrors creating an infinite image of himself. this represents somewhat of a fragmentation of his being and suggesting that he is all over the place and his life has descended into chaos. it also could suggest that there are many layers to him and he doesn’t know which one he is anymore.

Script To Screen: “Citizen Kane”. A memorable scene from the 1941 movie… |  by Scott Myers | Go Into The Story
Film — Citizen Kane - Room Trashing Scene Analysis

part 2

Who were Buster Keaton, Harold Lloyd and Charlie Chaplin?

Charlie Chaplin, Harold Lloyd and Buster Keaton were two of the most well known comedians in the silent film era, but their styles were drastically different. 

Examples of some films they made

The Kid ,1921, Charlie Chaplin

The General, 1926, Buster Keaton

Girl Shy, 1925, Harold Lloyd

Film makers they influenced

Jacques Tati was a French mime, filmmaker, actor, and screenwriter.

story of film p1

First film made by the Lumiere brothers: 1895; “Workers Leaving the Lumière Factory”

What is the phantom ride? Phantom rides were films shot from the front of moving trains, although they were not limited to that mode of transport. These films would present the journey from the train’s perspective. 

What was ground breaking about the ” The Sick Kitten” and the “Life of the American Fireman”? In the “Sick Kitten” it was the first use of a “close up” in film as it was never used previously as film makers thought it would confuse the audience. And in the “Life of the American Fireman” was the use of the first continuity edit.

First “film star” in Hollywood: Florence Lawrence

Why did the hub of film production in the USA move from the East Coast to Hollywood? Because they were not governed by the state law in the East Coast preventing them of using Edison’s idea.

Which nations film industry was described as the best in the world in the 1910’s? Denmark

Example of 2 films and 2 directors from this place and time?

Haxan by Benjamin Christensen

Ingeborg Holm Victor Sjorstrom

Who directed “A Birth of a Nation” and why does it continue to divide opinions? David Wark Griffith directed it and it divides opinions as it is seen as a masterclass on the technological/film making side however it has an extremely racist undertone and essentially brought back the KKK at the time it was made.

cinema in jersey

How many cinema screens were there in jersey during the golden age of cinema?


how many screens are their now?


What independent cinema spaces currently exist in jersey?

Grand hotel, Jersey Arts Center

Why have the number of screens declined over the years?

because of the introduction of streaming sites such as Netflix. also because the cinemas are now more commercialized and only show the mainstream movies

editing tasks

editing techniques

How to Edit Videos: L-Cuts and J-Cuts | TechSmith

L CUT- is a variant of a split edit film editing technique in which the audio from preceding scene overlaps the picture from the following scene

J CUT- is a variant of a split edit film editing technique in which the audio from a following scene overlaps the picture from the preceding scene

CUT ON BEAT- Cutting to the beat is a way of editing a video so that each clip changes at the same time as the beat of the track. Most clips use a ‘cut’ transition, so you generally ‘cut to the beat’ of the music.