my favourite scene in Citizen Kane was the scene where he has a meltdown after his second wife left him.
i liked it because it shows us how he reacts when he doesn’t get what he wants and how much she meant to him. He smashes up all his possessions and this symbolizes how money didn’t mean anything to him. This shows us how his wife meant more than money even though it didn’t seem like it because he was so used to getting everything, he wanted that he wasn’t worry about losing all of it. The use of things that broken and the amount of it symbolizes chaos and this represents his personality as the addiction to buying things. This implies that overtime he’s possibly gone mad from all the freedom and money he had.
This would have been shocking for the audience at the time because the chaos and violence wasn’t something they were used to, and no one acted like that in the past especially in film. In 1941 the war was about to start so people would have been shocked that he was throwing around expensive things when everyone else was struggling. This would make the audience feel hatred and as if Kane had been spoilt and raised as selfish because he’s breaking everything when the audience know that they were possibly going to lose lots of young men and not react the same way.
Wells uses the use of ceiling to show off how he can use ceilings in film without all the camera equipment being shown. The use of ceilings and walls makes Kane seem claustrophobic and trapped as if he’s trapped in his fame and wealth and he wants to escape but he can’t because of how important and famous he is. This is done by having Kane surrounded in things with a low angle camera which represented power. This would have made the audience scared of him because he was powerful, and he could get almost everything he wanted. The idea of smashing up everything could symbolism freedom and not being trapped anymore because it’s when he realizes that things don’t mean anything to him, and wealth doesn’t necessarily bring happiness like his wife did when they first met.
The snow globe could represent his freedom when he was a kid playing in the snow before he got wealthy and the idea of the glass being around the snow globe could symbolize how he’s trapped outside of his childhood and his freedom. It contrasts when he was 8 and happy even though he didn’t have anything with later when he had everything, but he wasn’t happy.
Who were Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd and why were they influential?
They were film comedians of the Hollywood silent film era (1920)
They were influential because they were original and funny without sound. They thought outside the box and used physical comedy to create original interesting scenes. eg. dangerous stunts (Harold Lloyd)
Influenced stars such as Jacques Tati and Toto
The first film made by the Lumiere Brothers was ‘workers leaving the factory 1895
The phantom ride is when you put a camera on a car or train to make it look supernatural
‘The Sick Kitten was ground breaking because it cut to a close up of a kitten. ‘The life of a fireman’ was ground breaking because it cut between 2 locations. (continuity edit)
The first film star in Hollywood was called Florence Lawrence
Film production moved from the East coast to Hollywood to get asway from paying the Edison trust or having tight control of what they could do. Also because its sunny.
Cousin’s said that the Danish film industry was the best in the world in 1910 because
Ingeborg holm by Victor Sjöström and Häxan by Benjamin Christensen were 2 films and directors from sweden
D.W.Griffith’s directed The Birth of a nation (1915) but it continues to divide opinions because it was well made however it is really racist.
How many cinema screens were there on Jersey during the “Golden Age” of cinema (1930s to 60s)? 4
How many cinema screens are there now? 10
What independent cinema spaces currently exists in jersey? Howard Davis Park Film Festival, The Art Centre and the grand hotel.
Explain why the number of cinema screens have declined over the years and what you think the implications are for the film industry in general. The number of screens haven’t gone down but the number of seats have because more people want to watch a diverse range of films at the same time rather than just 1 film. Its become fragmented.
production role 1 | Production role 2 | Production role 3 – complete film | |
role | writer | actor/ director | Sound |
name your favorite soundtrack and explain why it appeals to you.
My favorite soundtrack is All of the stars from The fault in our stars because it brings meaning to the film and makes it more emotional than it already is. It creates meaning and shows us the true love between both of the dying characters and the soundtrack implies that they’ll always be together no matter where they are which creates empathy and shows us the extent of the love in the film which give it a bigger impact when one of the characters die (spoiler alert)
example of a film that uses narration and why
Stand by me uses narration to tell the story more effectivelyt allowing the film to flow better as the audience could keep up with the styory better and understand it from the narrators poiint of view
The use of narration in this film makes it seem weird which makes the audience feel on edge and uncomfortable from the start. The director does this to portray the oddness from the start of the Horror film to give us strange vibes and to imply that something is wrong.
A Foley artist is someone who makes sounds for films.
Examples – hunger game soundtrack instruments
frozen soundtrack
diegetic sound: any sound that the characters in the scene can hear
Non- diegetic sound: sounds that the characters cant hear
diegetic – actors speaking, zombie noises, doors opening, tv
Non diegetic – music and sounds edited in for effect