Cinematography – Shot distances

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Establishing Shot: Shows how large the city is and how daunting his jump was, as this is arguably one of the most significant moments in his journey. By flipping the shot, it shows that he is rising, not falling, metaphorically showing how he is rising over his challenges. It fills the audience with a sense of awe and pride over his achievement.
Extreme Close Up: This extreme close up on his hands that are shattering the glass helps accentuate this monumental moment to the audience, and makes them feel the tension that Miles is feeling.
Medium Full Shot: This strength of Peter is highlighted with the MFS here, as Medium Full Shots help accentuate power and muscles, giving the audience a sense of admiration for him.
Medium Shot: The medium shot is mostly used when Miles is walking around school, as it brings him and only him closer to the camera, while everyone else is separated from him. This helps show the audience how divided he is from the rest of his school, and how he does not fit in.

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