Collaberative Production Log

Working title: “Blind sided”

Roles: Noah (Screen writing) Liberty (Directing) Olivia(Cinematography)

Date: 30/06/22

Meeting No. 1

Present: Noah and Olivia/ Liberty

Agenda: Noah discuss screenplay. Outline tasks for next meeting. These include potential filming locations, story boarding and casting

Outcomes: Adjustments made to the script to line up with already found locations.

SMART Targets:

Noah- Finish fourth page of first draft.

Olivia: Get 3 more potential locations for filming.

Contact Liberty and see if she can start casting.

Working title “Eye for an eye”

An aspiring artist wakes up blind. Through a comedy of errors, no one believes the gravity of the situation or the struggle the young artist is going through. Doctors don’t believe him, his drama teacher thinks it’s a brilliant example of method acting, his artwork is demeaned and shamed to the point he goes of the rails and makes the art world his enemy in hopefully witty, dark comedy. 


A bedroom  

-Wake up scene  

A gallery  

(setting can eaily be created in school) 

A arts college  
