
I have chosen to analyse the 2006 fantasy film Pans labyrinth by Guillermo del Toro. This film is set in 1944 during the Spanish civil war and follows Ophelia, a little girl who is secretly a princess in a fantasy world whilst chaos and war happens around her with her fascist stepdad at the centre of it all. I have chosen to analyse the resolution of the film between 1.46.45 and 1.51.45. In this section, Ophelia has just been shot by her stepdad and is slowly dying. The fascist captain is consequentially killed as a result of killing his stepdaughter. Ophelia is ‘reborn’ into a fantasy world and is reunited with her parents whilst the guerrillas mourn her death. To analyse this section, I am going to focus on Mise En scene ,visual motifs, editing and Film makers influences.

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