“How do directors depict class struggle in horror films such as The Lighthouse (dir. Robert Eggers, 2019), and Parasite (dir. Bong Joon Ho, 2019)?”
Monthly Archives: March 2021
To what extent do the films Raging Bull (1980) and Million-Dollar Baby (2004) demonstrate how the boxing sub-genre has evolved over time in its exploration of gender.
Million Dollar Baby 2004 Dir. Clint Eastwood
Raging Bull 1980 Dir. Martin Scorsese

COMPARATIVE research question
Research question: How are the themes of class struggle depicted in a dystopian setting within Metropolis (Fritz Lang 1927) and Showpiecer (Bong Joon-ho, 2013)?
comparative study research question draft
How are Eisenstein’s methods of montage used as a storytelling device to create dramatic tension in Battleship Potemkin (1925) and Parasite (2019)?
– Narrative theory
– Structural/editing theory
Comparative study Reasearch question draft
To what extent do the directors in Woman on the verge on a mental breakdown (1988) and Love Actually (2003) show patriarchal structures?
comparative study question
How are the struggles of the working class youth presented in the films Kidulthood (2006) and La Haine (1995)
comparative study research question draft
To what extent do the films Shaun of the Dead (2004) and Night of the Living Dead (1968) demonstrate how independent zombie horror films have developed over time?
Film comparative: Class

Research question: How are the themes of class struggle depicted in a dystopian setting within Metropolis (Fritz Lang 1927) and Showpiecer (Bong Joon-ho, 2013)?
Both films include core themes of class struggle, allocation of resources, environmental disaster and distribution of wealth.
Showpiecer is a Korean-American co-production and directed by the auteur, Bong Joon-ho who is an influential director in the Korean new wave cinema movement.
Research and reading:
Marx at the movies book: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/marxist-film-theory-and-fight-club-
Snowpiercer essay: 9781501347290http://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1298&context=english_fac
Marxist perspectives: https://issuu.com/ivanradenkovic/docs/understanding-film_-marxist-perspectives—wayne–
Comparative study films – Postcolonialism and class

comparative study
Love Actually – Richard Curtis (2003)
Mujeres al borde de un ataque de nervios – Pedro Almodóvar (1988)
Feminist theory – the role of woman – woman being the focus and in control of the film vs being controlled by men
Narrative theory – screen writing ( representation of woman through dialogue)
Genre theory
Spanish cinema