Director of ‘Love Actually’ and ‘About Time’.
Screen played films such as ‘Nottinghill’ and ‘War horse’
Ricard Curtis is a Romantic comedy Auteur who creates sentimental films with special moments that connect the characters to the audience. Through the film, characters get closer together whilst the films aren’t always straight forward and things don’t always end in happy endings which make the films more emotive because we learn to love the characters through their relationships with others.
Richard Curtis is different to other film makers because he uses the dialogue from the characters to create humour and to also show us the relationships with the characters. EG. in ‘About time’, Richard Curtis shows flashbacks and memories of Tim and his dad and through the emotional dialogue, he shows the strong bond between the 2 characters which is carried on through the film and it becomes more sentimental and powerful when his dad dies and Tim goes to the past to have more moments with him. He focuses more on the choice of actors and screenplay rather than cinematography, editing and sound. He does this because he wants the characters to show a strong relationship with each other so it makes it more emotional when characters die or something bad happens.
Richard curtis writes about what he knows and uses his experiences to make his films relatable and meaningful. His films are based in london because he lived there for a number of years so he’s familiar with what its like. He also uses past expeirences that has happened to himself such as the death of his dad to write the dialoguwe in ‘abvout time’ and to make it more meaningful and relatable to the audience because the character ‘Tim’ has a chance to say things that many people wish they said before their parents die.
I think the best thing that Richard Curtis does that makes him an auteur is the use of dialogue to show the relationships and connections between the character and then he adds plot twists to make the audience feel emotional and to add sympathy for the characters whilst always going back to key sentimental parts to emphasise the relationship of the characters that are dead or that had something bad happen to them with the protagonists.