Auteur Theory – Edgar Wright

Edgar Wright on His Favorite Music Choices in His Own Films

Edgar Wright is an English direct who I believe easily fits the criteria to be classified as an auteur director. Edgar Wright is best known for the “three flavors cornetto trilogy” and other films such as baby driver and Scott Pilgrim vs the world. I would class him as an auteur director as his visually comedic style and his stylized montage sequences, though sometimes brief are heavily stylized with quick whip pan shots and zooms that give comical effect when paired with whooshing sound effects and dramatic lighting queues. His work is easily distinguishable, especially in 2015’s Ant Man where he co directed and wrote portions of the film such as a montage sequence where they plan a heist which is clearly in Wrights style with quick fast paced shots and lots of whip pans and zooms.

Wright also writes or co-writes the scripts for his films and his writing style is distinct with fast pacing in most sections but with enough breathing room in the script for jokes to be set up and land. He also uses the camera and whats in and out of the frame as a way to make a joke or illustrate a point, for instance in the worlds end when Andy says he doesn’t drink anymore we see the POV of four pint glasses filling up with beer from the bottom of the glass then one with water, which is an inventive shot and when he adds a rising Shepard tone to the quick sequence it perfectly illustrates the plot point with visual storytelling.

How Shaun of the Dead Beat the Odds to Become a Cult Classic | Vanity Fair
Nick Frost and Simon Pegg in Shaun of the Dead

His most well known film is Shaun of the Dead (2004) which is part of the cornetto trilogy where he uses Simon Pegg and Nick Frost as two of the main characters throughout the films. Shaun of the Dead features all of Wrights aforementioned qualities and was his first big project that he ever created

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