My most memorable scene from the film would be one of the ending scenes where we see Kane smashing up his bedroom. This is because we see anger in the film but not to the extent that is portrayed in this scene. It would also have been majorly shocking at the time it came out as the ”normal man” who would be watching the film didn’t have much money, so to see a man destroying his possessions would be alien to them. The use of camera angles is also used extremely well in this scene as it makes use of the low angle portraying Kane as superior and powerful man. This again may have had an affect on the audience as his a rich man who is shown to have and elevated sense of power. After this we see Kane walk out of his bedroom past his staff and walk past a series of mirrors and briefly stop in between two parallel mirrors creating an infinite image of himself. this represents somewhat of a fragmentation of his being and suggesting that he is all over the place and his life has descended into chaos. it also could suggest that there are many layers to him and he doesn’t know which one he is anymore.