My favourite scene from Citizen Kane was the scene where Kane announces he is going on a holiday and taking a break from running the Inquirer and hires a bunch of dancers to announce his time away from the newspaper. This is my favourite scene from Citizen Kane because during Leland and Bernstein’s conversation which has a sort of semi serious tone, you can clearly see Kane dancing with the dancers in the reflection of the mirror which juxtaposes this more serious atmosphere with this frame within the frame which shows the viewer his ecstatic dancing with the dancers. This juxtaposition helps show how Kane himself is carefree and still young and carefree while his more sensible friends are more concerned. This scene also uses a deep focus lens which lets the audience clearly see Kane in the background shown by his reflection, this clearly demonstrates the characters of Kane, Bernstein and Leland to the audience. The reason this film has such good cinematography is because of Gregg Toland, Gregg Toland was an innovative cinematographer and was one of the first pioneers of the deep focus lens which is used to great effect throughout Citizen Kane but in my opinion particularly in this scene. In the scene we also get a deep focus shot on the whole dinner table and the dancers and musicians as the dancers and musicians enter the room which lets the audience take in this whole grand event that Kane is putting on which again shows the audience his happy go lucky, cheerful attitude whilst also showing his immense wealth. Another reason I love this scene is because of the Mise-En-Scene which with Orson Wells coming from a theatre background he would’ve had a great deal of understanding when it came to blocking and staging which is why we see him use proxemics to great effect such as in this scene where the people at the party are leaning over the dining table towards Kane to show that they like Kane and they are all his friends, not in this scene but in one of the last we see this flipped where the servants all keep their distance from him to show they fear him and dislike him.