Stanley kubrick cinematography techniques

Deep Focus – Deep focus is when everything on the screen is in focus. I believe that deep focus is used in these scene, so the audience can see the 1920s party going on in the background, which makes them feel puzzled and uneasy.

One Point Perspective – A view of a scene with only one vanishing point, that is filmed straight on. It is sued in this scene to unnerve the viewer, as it looks incredibly unnatural.

Steadicam Long Take – Steadicam is a mounting for the camera, which keeps it steady for filming. This Steadicam long take is used to follow Danny through the hotel. It makes the audience feel like something is watching Danny, maybe even that the hotel is watching Danny, which creates an uneasy feeling.

Symmetry – Symmetry is when something is identical on both sides. in this film, it is used to create an unnatural feeling, as things in real life are often asymmetrical.

monaco spectrum of the arts

The main three forms of the arts are the performance arts, the representational arts and the recording arts.

The Performance Arts

The performance arts are forms of that art where the performers use their voices and bodies or objects to convey emotion such as dance or acting.

Wise Children | Productions | Wise Children
Wise children by Emma Rice

The Representational Arts

The representational arts are more visual and are usually either a book or some form of painting or drawing.

Starry Night Diamond Painting Vincent van Gogh (round drill) - Diamond  Painting Saga
The starry night by Van Gogh

The Recording Arts

The recording arts are where the performance is recorded then usually edited and then shows to people like a film.

Shaun of the Dead (2004) - Rotten Tomatoes
Shaun of the dead by Edgar Wright

The main difference between performance arts and recording arts is that with a live stage production you decide where to look but with a film the cinematography and mise-en-scene either directly tell you where to look or more subtly guide your eyeline towards a point of focus.