Cinematography – camera movement

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)

Handheld Camera: By using the handheld camera (or by shaking the camera), this fall is exaggerated heavily, it shows his first lack of control, before removing the shake in the camera later in the fall showing he has gained control. Shaking the camera really proves to the audience how dangerous this is, and what an impact moment it is.
Dolly: The dolly is used in this scene as it can smoothly follow him as he runs across the window, creating a fluid movement. It can show the audience how much control he now has, and how fast he now moves, increasing their feeling of awe.
Slow Zoom: The slow zoom is cleverly used here to accentuate the fear shown on his face as he is hiding from the Prowler. His emphasized fear causes the audience to sympathize with him, but it also rises the tension drastically.
Pivot Shot: Lowering the camera to his hands in this shot, and following the lightning as it moves down his arms, helps the audience follow this rise in tension as he breaks free from his restraints.

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