The depth of field is used in film to focus on a certain character or object whilst blurring out the enviroment or other characters in the scene. This helps the audience focus on a specific thing in the scene whilst also being aware of the enviroment or other characters in the backround. it is also ofte used to capture character key emotions in scenes which often changes the mood of the scene or helps us to empathise with characters.
Shallow focus- used to give a blurred effect whilst still being able to identify the environment or background. often used to put emphasis on a specific thing in the scene to attract the audience to it.
Deep focus- used to show everything going on in the scene. often showing a busy environment or used when lots of things are happening to show that its a busy environment. it can also be used to capture lots of reactions or different points of views in the scene.
In home alone, a low camera angle is used to show the power between the characters. An extra-diegetic gaze is used to put the audience in the characters perspective. in this scene its done to show the lack of power from the character that the men are looking at. This raises the tension for the audience and brings the suspense up whilst helping to identify the powerful people in the film which is often the antagonist which is proven in Hone Alone.In Avengers Endgame, a high camera angle is used to raise suspense and question what the characters are looking at. The high angle shows us that there’s something above the characters on the other side of the camera. This was done to show us the characters reactions to the situation which makes us question what they’re looking at which brings up the suspense.In this scene, a dutch tilt/ canted angle is used to show unease. an extra-digetic gaze is used to show the perspective from the characters point of view. By breaking the fourth wall whilst having a canted angle, it makes the suspense rise because it makes the audience feel scared or uneasy due to the unsteady angle.
In the arena in the hunger games, a middle long shot (MLS) is used to show us the environment that he’s in and to show us his emotions and body language in the environment. it helps the viewer see where he is and how the character feels about the environment they’re in because you can see his body language, facial expressions and the surrounding area. In the shinning, a close up (cu) is used to show us johnny’s facial expressions and so the actors reaction is the main focus. it still shows some of the environment so that the audience knows where the character is or what they’re doing such as johnny in the door. this makes the audience aware of how the character is feeling or what they’re saying. the characters facial expression in a close up is often a key moment in the scene because it can often indicate a change of mood or raise the tension as shown in the shinning. This is done to make the audience feel a certain emotion such as scared in this scene in the Shinning.In this scene, a long shot (ls) is used to show the relationship between the 2 characters and the environment. this helps the viewer understand where the characters are and in this scene it helps us identify where the characters live.