The jerking, sometimes hard to follow visual style is interesting because it continues the abrupt, jarring editing style within the film. Since this represents Michel’s character, we can assume that he is not behaving rationally because the camera style is shaky and out of control, perhaps representing his wild and careless thoughts.
Monologues were not typically common at the time, during the year of release, there were many French drama and crime films produced which led to the need for diversity. Many films, such as ‘The Hole’ (1960, by Jacques Becker) utilise action and short shots to keep the audience on the edge of their seat. Whereas Breathless breaks this convention and uses long shots to ensure verisimilitude by keeping the audience fully engaged and ready for what will happen next. Although the sequences and shots seem sometimes unnecessarily long, they keep a chatty and unique element to the film which makes it so influential
Another innovative technique used by Godard is the lack of colour stock in favour for black and white. This creates a unique effect by setting Breathless apart from the other films which were typically in colour at the time. Although colour film was still very expensive in the 1950’s, more popular films were beginning to use it. This technique may seem intentional as Godard may just be using black and white to save money, but the lack of colour can represent the honesty of the film because it does not hold back.
Sound Designers for sci-fi, Predator sound designer, Charles. L Campbell (E.T). These sound designers are the inspiration for this scene as they are able to combine common earthly sounds with unusual, unheard of sounds to create a sci-fi experience.
Sound designer action, Mark Mangini (Mad Max), Dane Davis (The Matrix). These sound designers have inspired me to use common action film sounds but at a quick pace and at a slow pace as that allows to build a more entertaining scene overall compared to having a scene with normal sound effects.
David fincher is in my opinion the master of lighting in the film industry, He carries the same techniques and styles through all of his films no matter what the genre is. Most of his films are quite dark for example: Se7en, Zodiac and Gone Girl. In all of these films he uses dark lighting in a lot of the scenes as shown bellow. But he uses this dark style even in his happier films such as The social Network.
Gone girl Drama/Mystery
The Zodiac Mystery/Crime
Se7en Drama/Mystery Social network Drama/History Fight club Drama/Action
Cinematography is the art of motion photography, and in film; it relates to the composition of the scene. Cinematographers compose the lighting of the scene, and how the camera is used from the model chosen to the perfect angle a shot is taken from
Most notable cinematographers:
Leon Shamroy – won four academy awards, most famously from his cinematography on the Henry King films The Black Swan (1942) and Wilson (1944)
Roger Deakins – recipient of the 2011 American Society of Cinematographers (A.S.C.) Lifetime Achievement Award, and won an academy award for his cinematography on the 2017 film Blade Runner 2049 (By Denis Villeneuve)