David fincher is in my opinion the master of lighting in the film industry, He carries the same techniques and styles through all of his films no matter what the genre is. Most of his films are quite dark for example: Se7en, Zodiac and Gone Girl. In all of these films he uses dark lighting in a lot of the scenes as shown bellow. But he uses this dark style even in his happier films such as The social Network.
Gone girl Drama/Mystery
The Zodiac Mystery/Crime
Se7en Drama/Mystery Social network Drama/History Fight club Drama/Action
I will be filming my first 30 second film at German road because there are some caves/bunkers. the road will not be in the film but the woods next to the road will be. My film will be focused on one character who is a young girl who has been held captive and has escaped one of the caves in the woods. She has escaped the cave but the being which has held her is coming after her. My focus for this film is cinematography and so i will try and use different angles and movements. i would like to use close ups to emphasize the girls emotion and a long shot of the scenery to set the scene.
After taking these photos I learnt that I had the wrong colour cast setting and so the photos came out very blue, some of the photos were also out of focus, so I retook them making sure to change my colour cast to “cloudy” and making sure the photos were in focus
i have been very inspired by the soundtrack in ‘The Hobbit an unexpected journey’ which was directed by Peter Jackson. I was really moved by the soundtrack in this film because of themes that run throughout the film for example there is the theme-tune of the shire and this theme is reintroduced whenever Bilbo refers back to his shire and his life before his journey. The theme-tune helps to remind the audience of the peaceful shire.
Guardians of the galaxy has a great soundtrack consisting of some old “feel good” songs by artists like David Bowie and The Jackson 5. I like this soundtrack because its and action film with a more classic vibe due to the music and the fact that Quill never really left the 80’s because he was taken from earth at the age of 8.
i have been very inspired by the soundtrack in ‘The Hobbit an unexpected journey’ which was directed by Peter Jackson. I was really moved by the soundtrack in this film because of themes that run throughout the film for example there is the theme-tune of the shire and this theme is reintroduced whenever Bilbo refers back to his shire and his life before his journey. The theme-tune helps to remind the audience of the peaceful shire.
To become more familiar with the camera and the settings involved I took some still shots of this hole puncher. I played around with the exposure and ISO to see what difference it made. As you can see some of the photos are more blurry that others this is because of the shutter speed, you can also see that some are darker than others and this is due to the ISO which controls how sensitive the camera is to light and colour.
Who was Buster Keaton, Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd and why were they important to to the success of Hollywood’s silent era ?
Buster Keaton was an American film comedian and director, the “Great Stone Face” of the silent screen, known for his deadpan expression and his imaginative and often elaborate visual comedy.Charlie Chaplin was a comedian in the silent film era, As was Harold Lloyd, these were some of the first comedic movie stars, they used physical comedy.