All posts by Josh L



Shot-list film role-sound design 2

Script/ SB REF Shot # INT/EXT Shot Camera Angle Camera Move Audio Subject Description 
N/A INT Close up Table height Static Alien landing Water Water shaking  
N/A INT Mid shot Eye level Static Silence Human Human takes notice of water shaking  
N/A INT Close up Low Static Door lock turns Lock Lock turns  
N/A INT Mid shot Eye level Static Silence Human Human checks behind him  
N/A INT Close up Low Static Book lands Book Book knocked  
N/A INT Mid shot Eye-level Static Silence Human Human starts to look what’s going on 
N/A  INT Close up Eye-level Continuous  Alien sound Human Human looks around house  
N/A  INT Close up Eye level Static Alien scream Alien Alien jumps out at human  
N/A INT Mid shot Eye level Static Chopper Alien Alien looks out window then runs when a light is flashed on him 


Script/ SB REF Shot # INT/EXT Shot Camera Angle Camera Move Audio Subject Description 
1-2 INT Close up Table Height Static Narration Hands playing with a toy Hands of the gangster as a child playing with a toy then breaks out 
EXT Bust shot Eye level Static Narration Character looking out window Main character witnessing a car being stolen 
EXT Mid shot Eye level Static Narration Car  Car being stolen  
EXT Mid shot  Eye level Static Narration Main character Character contemplating trying to steal a car 
4/5 EXT Close up Eye level Static Narration Main Character Character looking out of a fence  
EXT Mid shot Eye level  Static Narration  Car Main character vandalizing car 
EXT Mid shot Eye Level Continuous Narration  A bag or envelope Main character being dodgy 
INT Birdseye High Static Narration  Character Main character lying on the floor 
8-10 INT Birdseye High Static Narration Main character Main character crossing out names from a diary 
INT Birdseye High Static Narration Diary Names being crossed out  
11 INT Close up High Static Narration Character’s watch Watch ticking  
12-14 EXT Mid shot Eye level Continuous Narration Character Walking to a high standing event 
15-17 EXT Long shot Eye level Static Narration Character  Character sitting in a throne just like Satan. 
17-18 EXT Close up Low Continuous Narration Knife Knife is revealed with blood on it 


•Propps characters, anti heroes

Man with No Name=Sarah Connor, the hero

Tuco= T-800(Arnold Schwarzenegger), the helper

Angel Eyes=T-1000, the villain

Gold=John Connor, the dispatcher, the prize

General Clinton=Miles Bennet Dyson, The donor

Bounty Hunters/Law=Dr Peter Silberman, False heroes

•Film Structure

•Where they become similar, auteur theory, directors ideas in story

•Western to a Western Sci-fi

•Where Cameron innovates and evolves from Leone’s structure