All posts by Alex
Screenplay for comedy short
Two characters – 1 and 2 – are seen lying on a couch fast asleep, the rubbish from what seemed to be a party litter the room. Suddenly the doorbell buzzes very loudly and wakes both characters up. 1 however tries to fall back asleep and so 2 gets up and answers the door.
Unknown man
“Ah hello I’m Mr 3, 1’s Landlord, is he in?”
A hand from out of scene gives 2 a note. When opened it reads – ‘IM NOT HERE – in a rushed and messy handwriting. 2 stands close to the door so as to block view into the house, however not completely.
“Oh you know what, he JUST left for work”
right after saying this 1 rushes across frame
Mr 3
“was that-
“ahhh no that was just someone from the party last night”
Mr 3
“PARTY?! oh no there is no parties allowed and 1 knows this, i definitely need to speak to him now.”
“Oh no don’t worry we didn’t have the party here, we…. used the neighbours house ?”
Mr 3
“You broke into the Taylor’s house?! That’s highly Illegal-“
a loud bang and “Ow” from the side of the frame that 1 disappeared to interrupts Mr 3
Mr 3
“right let me see right now”
the camera follows Mr 3 walking into the house only to see 1 peeking out of a small cupboard, 2 quickly sits on the cupboard, shutting 1 in so he cannot be seen followed by another “OW” from 1.
“See? Nothing”
Mr 3 stutters a bit in confusion
2 leads Mr 3 out of the house and faces him away from the house with his arm around Mr 3’s shoulder at the same time we can see 1 running into frame form the right and then out of frame again into a different room.
“look, I’m REAALLY hungov- busy, i’m really busy so please come back another time, Ok? Bye”
Before Mr 3 can argue 2 has shut the door.
Ideas for comedy short
basic idea – landlord comes to tell tenant that the rent is overdue, tenant tries hard to avoid the landlord seeing him.
shot pacing very important in comedy, additionally its very important to have a significant visual comedic style for example i will be taking inspiration from Edgar Wright. specifically the way things enter and leave the frame in funny ways and matching scene transitions. This helps comedy from being purely sound based – dialogue and helps it to be seen in the performance of characters – physical comedy, and the way the audience sees the scene: as if we can see straight through the scheme that’s fooling a specific character but its funny to watch it confuse them.
For example: the landlord knocks on the door and the tenants friend who stayed the night since yesterdays party opens up with the tenant still asleep in the lounge. The landlord asks to see the tenant however the friend takes it upon himself to distract the landlord so the friend can escape, the camera can see the tenant run past the door from one side of the frame to the other in a comedic way – the landlord clearly sees him but before he can complain the friend distracts him again. The landlord demands to be let in so the camera pans inside to see the friend quickly hide the friend in a funny way, this carries on. It is funny because the camera – the audience’s point of view, sees right through their scheme but the landlord is getting very confused, this is much more funny than just a shot, reverse shot of dialogue.
Thriller film pre-production plan (complete)
For short thriller film – editing.
Cast: Only 2 required.
First actor: Anton Quenault. (left)
Second Actor: Krystian Skarbek (right)
Location Recce:
Details: I will use My dining room and garden as setting for the film. By using a house i hope to cause the audience to feel as if they are at home – this gives a false sense of security and sets them up for a bigger shock later on.

Permissions: None needed
Points of Interest: I am interested in filming in my house because it is perfect mise-en-scene. I have to set very little up.
Safety Issues: None.
Electric supply: When inside i have constant access to electricity however when outside i do not, thankfully my setup does not require electricity. Batteries can be used in necessary tools.
Sunlight: Plenty of Light falls into the room i will be filming in, however i am filming at dusk so i am using artificial lights inside.
Windows: there is one large window in the room, plenty of light can be seen through it .
Noise: Unfortunately my house is located right next to a busy main road, however i will be recording my audio separately and adding it in post. I will record the audio in a sound studio setup at school where there is much less noise.
Fade In:
On a cold winters night ANTON, sits at the table smiling at something on his phone. Its a series of pictures of him and his friends, they seem to be having a great time.
KRYSTIAN crouches against a stone wall, right next to the gate of the garden he must infiltrate. He looks at his watch then crouches in front of the gate and peers over. After a short while he quickly hops over the gate and into the garden.Then he gets up confidently and starts walking towards the window, round the tree, cracking knuckles and doing a few stretches as he goes.
KRYSTIAN’S jump could be heard faintly which perks ANTON’S attention slightly. He looks up from his phone with a slightly confused look on his face. He gets up and looks out the window from behind him, it’s difficult to see outside. All he can see is a few metres in front of him. All the while the steps are dramatically getting louder. Finally ANTON recoils from window as he sees KRYSTIAN approaching. The scene ends in blank slate.
Shooting script
Shot number | Camera/ action | Location | Shot length | audio |
1 | MLS Anton swiping through his phone | Dining room | 3 seconds | Tapping on phone, fan hum Atmos music |
2 | CU Krystian crouching | Next to road | 3 seconds | Car driving past Atmos music |
3 | MS Anton turns phone off and puts it down | Dining room | 2 seconds | Phone noises, fan hum Atmos music |
4 | Krystian checks his watch | Next to road | 2 seconds | Car driving past, watch ticking Atmos music |
5 | 3 seconds Anton checks message | Dining room | 3 seconds | Phone noises, ticking Atmos music |
6 | Establishing shot just of the area where Krystian was | Next to road | 2 seconds | Atmos music ticking |
7 | MS Anton puts head in hands | Dining Room | 2 seconds | Atmos music Anton sighing |
8 | MLS Krystian jumping the gate from behind | Next to the road | <1 second | Atmos music, Krystian’s footsteps ticking |
9 | MLS Krystian lands int the garden | Garden | <1 second | Atmos music Krystian landing on gravel ticking |
10 | MS Anton lifts his head up and starts to get up | Dining room | 2 seconds | Atmos music Ticking, heartbeat. |
11 | Krystian walks towards the house | Garden | 2 seconds | Atmos music ticking, heartbeat, footsteps, torch clicking on |
12-21 | Quick alternating MS between Anton walking and looking through the window from inside and Following Krystian approaching from outside | Dining room and garden | Every shot <1 second | Atmos music, ticking, heartbeat, footsteps. |
22 | MLS Anton recoils from the window in terror | Dining room | <1 second | Gasp from Anton, Atmos music cuts out, ticking stops, no footsteps. |
23 | Blank slate | N/A | 1 second | Fast heartbeat |
Vogler – The Hero’s Journey
Chris Vogler, a story analyst for Disney, Warner Bros, 20th century fox an more explored the construction of narrative from a character driven perspective. His Theory is called the hero’s journey.
The Hero’s Journey consists of 12 parts
I will list the parts with reference to my chosen film: Star Wars: A New Hope (1977, George Lucas)
1: Ordinary World: We start off seeing Luke on his home planet, we are slowly introduced to him and his environment to help establish his place as the protagonist.
2. The call to adventure: A message from Princess Leia calls Luke to save her from the empire.
3. Refusal of the call: Less of a refusal, R2D2 runs away before Luke can get enough information about the situation.
4. Meeting the Mentor: When looking for R2D2 luke and the gang are ambushed and attacked, Ben Kenobi (Obi Wan Kenobi) ends up finding Luke and takes him to his home.
5. Crossing The Threshold: After seeing his home has been attacked, Luke agrees to be taught under Obi Wan Kenobi, and to go save Princess Leia from the empire.
6. Tests, Allies and Enemies: The hero – Luke, is constantly tested in fights to build his skill and confidence and help him get ready for the final challenge. Additionally he meets Han Solo and Chewbacca who agree to help him on his journey
7. The Approach: Not too much happens here, it is mostly just preparation for the main ordeal.
8. The Ordeal: Luke and the gang end up trapped in garbage chute / crusher, They nearly all die but manage to escape just in time.
9. The Reward: Luke and the gang are finally safe with the “reward”: Princess Leia. And start the journey back home.
10. The Road Back: although they have the reward, they try to go home but are tracked by tie fighters and must escape them aswell – usually a chase scene occurs.
11. The Resurrection: Luke, after recovering Leia, goes to destroy the death star, however Darth Vader is there to block Luke’s quest, in-fact it looks look Vader is about to kill Luke, however, just as it looks like the hero is or is about to die, they suddenly come back to life with full force and complete the quest, in this case, Han Solo helps Luke to fend off Darth Vader so Luke can Destroy the Death Star.
12. return with the elixir / tot he ordinary world: This is the final stage and it is very simple, in which the hero returns to their own world after completing their quest. However in some cases where sequels exist, the quest is not finished and Luke never really exits the extraordinary world, this is because there is still more of his quest, so in the next films Luke restarts the Hero’s journey in some form and it repeats.

Binary Oppositional Themes in Film
Levi-Straus, a French anthropologist in the 1900’s theorised that the majority of narratives contain binary opposite characters.
These may include:
Man Vs Woman e.g “His Girl Friday” (1940, Howard Hawks)
White Vs Black : “BlackkKlansman” (2018, Spike Lee)
Hero Vs Villain : Huge amount of films that link to this, I’ll choose “Batman” (1989, Tim Burton)
And more.
Conventional shot sequencing
Advanced shot sequencing video
Propp’s character types
Star Wars – A New Hope (1977, George Lucas)
Propp’s character types are listed as below:
- The Hero – a character that seeks something
- The Villain – who opposes the hero on their quest
- The Donor – who provides the hero with a magical object
- The Dispatcher – who sends the hero on their quest through a message
- The False Hero – who disrupts the hero’s quest by making false claims.
- The Helper – who helps the hero
- The princess – acts as a reward for the hero and a the object of the villains plots.
- Her Father – who acts to reward the hero for their efforts.
Here is how it links into a movie, for example Star Wars: A New Hope (1977, George Lucas:
- The hero – Luke Skywalker, looks to become a Jedi and defeat Darth Vader
- The Villain – Darth Vader, looks to rein terror on the galaxy and defeat Luke Skywalker
- The Donor – Obi Wan, presents Luke with lightsaber
- The Dispatcher – R2D2, Comes to Luke with message from Princess Leia
- The Princess – Leia, needs saving from the empire
- The Helper – Han Solo, alongside with chewbacca he helps Luke.
- The Father – (Spoiler Alert) Darth Vader, does not fit particularly well into the structure as Darth Vader does not reward Luke. Additionally, he is only revealed to be the father later on so it is not immediately obvious who the father figure is.
Practice Photos Including Shot-Reverse-Shot
Establishing Shot Shot Reverse Shot