Monthly Archives: November 2019
Protected: Characters inspiration
•Propps characters, anti heroes
Man with No Name=Sarah Connor, the hero
Tuco= T-800(Arnold Schwarzenegger), the helper
Angel Eyes=T-1000, the villain
Gold=John Connor, the dispatcher, the prize
General Clinton=Miles Bennet Dyson, The donor
Bounty Hunters/Law=Dr Peter Silberman, False heroes
•Film Structure
•Where they become similar, auteur theory, directors ideas in story
•Western to a Western Sci-fi
•Where Cameron innovates and evolves from Leone’s structure
The Standoff
The Good, The Bad, And the Ugly movie references
The trauma of the hero: 1 hour exact
The messenger: 1 hour, 10 minutes
The villain: 10 minutes
The Helper: 20 minutes
The hero: 29 minutes
The prize: 2 hours 50 minutes
The donor: 2 hours 12 minutes
The False heroes: 21 minutes
Protected: Walk to Car shotlist
Protected: Stoner Shot list
Protected: Ending shot list
SHOOTING timetable
Location: School bathrooms
Synopsis: Michael goes into the bathroom and screams, someone walks in and then walks out after noticing him
Shooting timetable
Scene 1
Contents: classroom scene
Location: Science room
Cast: Charles/teacher/extras
Synopsis: Charles is sat at his desk, he looks uninterested and zoned out. Background noise is blurred, scribbles on page and snaps lead as teacher shouts his name. teacher asks him question and he gets it right. End of scene