Shot reverse shot

The shot reverse shot used in spider man is effective because it establishes the scene and shows the conversation occurring between the two characters. the 180 degree rule is not broken, and the technique is utilized here to full effect because of its technicality

After taking these photos I learnt that I had the wrong colour cast setting and so the photos came out very blue, some of the photos were also out of focus, so I retook them making sure to change my colour cast to “cloudy” and making sure the photos were in focus

Film Soundtrack

My favourite film soundtrack is from the Back to the Future trilogy (dir. Robert Zemeckis), as it features lots of songs that were appropriate for the different eras, including The Power of Love, which was written for the film. Also, the opening score for the film, written by Alan Silvestri, is very iconic, and gives the audience the sense of the incredible film to come. The main section of the theme is also repeated at key points during the film, adding to the tension of it.

Screenplay First Draft – 1st Idea


Written by 

Kacper Bojarski 



Scene opens with SERGIO (a young working-class adult) walking past a deserted factory, he looks at a sign that says ‘FACTORY CLOSED BY ANDERSON CORP’ 

SERGIO looking at his wallet, which is empty. 


A wealthy looking person walks down the street and stops by SERGIO, he gives him £5 and leaves, you can see in his wallet a business card that says ‘ANDERSON CORP’