Traits of a Film student

Knowledgeable: You must be aware of the world and the mechanics of objects to accurately portray them in movies.

Caring: You need to be caring to effectively implement a positive message within your movie.

Inquiring: You need to have a curiosity about the world around you and the world your creating through the movie.

Risk-takers: When making a movie or analysing one you need to be capable of finding features that may by uncongenial or could a theme in movies that may be considered inappropriate.

Balanced: You need to have equal focus on all aspects of a movie so all the mechanics work in harmony with each other.

Reflective: You need to be aware or observant in any flaws or shortcomings in your movie, so you can improve it and make as cohesive as possible. As well as being able to receive any possible criticism of your movie.

Principled: You should be consistent with your image and idea for a movie so you do not each up dramatically changing the plot and not finishing it on time.

Communicators: You need to regularly commutate your plans for your movie with your cast, so they know exactly how to preform there role and support your movie.

Open minded: You should be open and trying to unique ideas and concepts in your movie as to make it feel original and stand out compered to a lot of other movies.

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