Read and take notes from the Commentary on Truffaldino (your copy of the set text) – make specific note on the skills needed to play him, his origins, his characteristics (traits) and how he was developed by Goldoni.
Truffaldino – case study.
Recap – Traditional v Goldoni adaptation
Acrobatic clown – A Servant
Anarchistic (rebel)
Quick physically – slow mentally – thinks with his stomach
Discuss: In the absence of a true Brighella stock type you could say that Truffaldino has been given some of these characteristics.
Watch Video: Servant of Two Masters: Commedia Character Shorts-Lesson Two: Truffaldino (Go to 58 secs in and watch to 2 min 25 secs)
Watch this demonstration for physicality.
Watch Video (Go to 46 secs in and watch to 2 min 45 secs)
- Why does Truff. stand straight out to the audience?
- Light or Heavy
Read or Stage the 1st Entrance {always a good idea to talk about the 1st entrance if given a question about interpretation or aims/effects}
- What do you notice about his energy? / Energy: Direct or Indirect?
- What do you notice about focus (on whom?)
Goldoni says in his own introduction “to the Readers” that Truffaldino can be ‘doltish’
Meaning: adjective:
(of a person) stupid; idiotic: a doltish character.
When he operates in a thoughtless fashion
(eg: tearing up the bill of exchange – act 2 sc 9 – P51-55)
And then ‘mischievous’
1 causing or showing a fondness for causing trouble in a playful way: mischievous children | a mischievous grin.
(eg: serving 2 masters – act 2 sc 12)
Examiner’s say the Indicative content for a performer focused question could include [remember you wouldn’t be expected to cover it all!!]
- physical appearance, age, height, build, colouring, facial features
- vocal qualities, pitch, pace, tone, accent
- delivery of specific lines: interaction with others, eye contact, spatial relationships, physical contact
- use of space
- XXXX’s relationship with other KEY characters
- movement, gesture, gait, posture, energy, demeanour and facial expressions
- style/use of costume/make-up; of props and accessories
- specific performance ideas clearly calculated to reveal the specified interpretation in key scenes, for example:
Social, cultural or historical context might include, for example:
- reference to stock characters
- structure of play
- concepts of Commedia – lazzi, audience interaction
Extension: How has the character of Truff.
aldino been modified?