We are going to chart the relationship between Pantaloon and Dr Lombardi and Silvio and Clarice in a number of scenes I call ‘insults and duels’.
For the characters make sure you have a clear idea of the following:
- physical appearance, age, height, build, colouring, facial features
- vocal qualities, pitch, pace, tone, accent
- delivery of specific lines: interaction with others, eye contact, spatial relationships, physical contact
- use of space
- Their relationship with other KEY characters
- movement, gesture, gait, posture, energy, demeanour and facial expressions
- style/use of costume/make-up; of props and accessories
- specific performance ideas clearly calculated to reveal the specified interpretation in key scenes.
- What is their relationship at the start of the play?
- How does it develop over the course of the play?
- What are the go-to scenes for these 2 characters “where they appear together?“
- What sorts of comedy is present?
- Is it comedy of character (traits pushed to the max) or of interactions (misfortunes, slapstick, vocal insults). Is it the audience that finds humour in the misfortune of the characters.
- Social/Historical ‘pearls’ – how have the characters been ‘reformed’ by Goldoni.
- Watch the clip above – find the scene you have been working on. Make notes on what ‘invented business’ the actors came up with. How did the COMEDY work?
- Further reading:
- Commentary in Text
- Read the sheets linked below and make notes on the ‘reforms’ that Goldoni made to the Commedia tradition.
- https://jerseyedu.sharepoint.com/:b:/r/sites/hautlieu/pa/students/A%20LEVEL%20DRAMA/Servant%20of%202%20Masters/So2M%20Historic%20Contexts.pdf?csf=1&web=1&e=lpzUeM